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Formerly Allan in MD

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Everything posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. One of the things that was most impressive about TD's Pitt tenure was how year after year he lost top flight players to free agency but always came up with the requisite fixes to remain competitive. The one constant during those years was a top notch head coach. TD still comes up with relatively decent players, but with his current mindset (see my original post), he won't hire the experienced, successful head coach to put it all together. So this is what we get. Yes, hiring Lewis or Fox would have saved the day for TD, but he got buried under the GW snow job.
  2. Wear a Bills uniforn and carry a sign "Not a Treat."
  3. Ashlee Simpson must be a Buffalo Bill.
  4. One of the growing questions about TD is why he has not hired a head coach with experience and a winning record. Perhaps the reason is based on the situation he faced in Pittsburgh. Everyone knows TD got into a power stuggle with Cowher, a respected, winning head coach. Cowher won out and TD got dumped. So perhaps TD is gunshy about hiring an experienced head coach of repute. The same thing could occur in Buffalo and TD could lose out again. Of course, unless you pick the right rookie head coach, you are at risk for other reasons, as TD is obviously finding out.
  5. Where would I be without Tim McCarver's enlightening and educating comments. I am waiting for him to explain to me what that spherical object is they appear to be playing with. Also, Tim, tell me about that piece of wood they use to attempt to hit the sphere. Who does TMc pay off for his spot in the booth?
  6. Who else did we pick the year we drafted Patulski with the first pick in the draft? That year may certainly be a contender.
  7. It continues to puzzle me that under two head coaches, there is this notion that Henry can get outside. How many times to you come up empty before it sinks in to those calling the plays that its a waste. Perhaps it's symptomatic of a team not having confidence in the interior/inferior blocking. But McGahee, in the opener and yesterday, showed that running inside is not impossible, even with this line.
  8. The O line is offensive. Is the quarterback supposed to block for himself? And by the way, we won't have the number one pick in the draft, no matter how many more we lose (unless TD proves to be a much more brilliant deal maker than he has proven to be thus far).
  9. First count: Stupid penalties (yes, the Tucker penalty was a joke call). Second count: Allowing one of the league's most accurate passers to do whatever he wanted; i.e. anyone ever hear of pressure? Third count: The continual notion that Travis Henry can get outside. Fourth count: Figuring that going on top more than once or so a game went out during the Kelly years. Fifth count: A Bills head coach that appears nothing more than a stationary, emotionless sideline ornament. Comment: Lee Evans might be able to save Donahoe's and Mularkey's jobs. Perhaps, therefore, you should go to him more than a handful of times a game.
  10. The pass rush was basically non-existent, this with one of the most accurate passers in the game working the clock on you.
  11. Sunday's game really led me to one conclusion about Bledsoe, he's slow. Everything he does is measured. He holds the ball too long (as everyone knows), but also his feet are like lead, and his handoffs are like slow motion (which may be one of the reasons running backs don't seem to hit the holes very fast after the snap). I've given Drew the benefit of a doubt for a long time. But his overall lack of quickness combined with his laid back temperment is not what you want in an NFL quarterback, unless he has a concrete wall to block for him.
  12. Formerly Allan in MD plus one will be there.
  13. I'll be in Buffalo this weekend and came up with what I understand are good tickets for the game. I may have an extra. Anyone interested? Also, are there any busses out to the game from Kenmore/Tonawanda or downtown? If so, how long does the trip generally take? Last but not least, are there any "open" tailgate parties for out of town TBD devotees? Thanks.
  14. The Rams are making the "genius" look like GW, head coach of the Bills looked - pretty pathetic.
  15. Sounds great. Now if we only had some tickets.
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