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Formerly Allan in MD

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Posts posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. Can anyone give me info about mclean, tysons corner area?

    I know its expensive .. so can someone tell me if id be ok making 60K a year there? I'm 30 years old and  single.


    As many have indicated, be prepared for traffic shock. It is so bad on the Beltway (I495) that rush hour has practically become an all day affair. And to get just about anywhere outside of the immediate McLean area, you may have to depend on that road. I've had to drive it twice this week from Maryland to the McLean area and it was a mess at "off hours." That being said, McLean is a nice, upscale area. It should be for what you have to pay to live there.

  2. Bullets sat his ass down for the remainder of the playoffs. Man, this kid blamed everything on Jordan pickin on him and calling him names in practice, but ain't nothin changed. Now as I predicted in March with the O's(knew they would win the east becuase my loyaties have shifted to the Nats, fug Peter Angelos) , this kid will leave my favorite BBall team and become an allstar somewhere else, just like Ben Wallace.


    Anyway, glad to see it as he missed the most important game for this team in the last 15 years because he had a stomach virus. Can you say PUNK


    You can't compare this lazy, spoiled fool to Ben Wallace. Wallace's trade for, ugh, Ike Austin was perpetrated by a know-nothing Bullets front office that, basically, gave away players like Rasheed Wallace and Richard Hamilton, and traded three number ones and a former number one for Chris Webber (and these are only a few of their "brilliant" moves). Brown has always been and acted like a baby, with an excuse for every one of his problems/lapses. This is the jerk that the Wizards have been imploring to play summer league. So what does he do? Last summer he shows up for two games, says he's tired, and goes back to Georgia to wind up with two DWIs. This is the jerk that every time he screws up on the court, instead of getting mad at himself and fighting through it, he stands there grinning like it's no big deal. Also, if he ever raised his arms to challenge someone shooting, it would make history.


    Guys come out of the hospital after being on IV to play the same night, such as Bobby Sura did two nights ago; and guys like (what's his name in Indy is playing with one functional shoulder); and Allan Iverson plays hard while he's hurt all the time. But poor Kwame has a tummy ache and becomes incapacitated for days (he told the team he had a stomach virus, and he told Gilbert Arenas he had food poisoning - get it straight doofus).


    Good riddance punk. Someone else can baby sit you, not the Wizards.

  3. McNally must be in his glory. He now has a lot of new raw material to work with. All we need is one or two of these guys to develop, and the chances are obviously as good with this guy coaching the OL as anyone else. McNally's biggest test, of course, is Peters. Interesting stuff to watch.


    The number six pick, Geisinger, sounds especially interesting.

  4. Not gonna happen. The Skins do some screwy things, but that would break the bank. Are they going to go with Brunell and a raw rookie, who is not expected to be even remotely ready for a year or two. No way.


    Actually, Hasselback looked really good in pre-seaon last year. But the assumption in DC is that he will be cut. Based on the Deadskins recent track record, he'll probably get picked up and turn into a solid quarterback.

  5. But McFarland could be the LT this year.


    No one says much about this guy. He came from a small time program and didn't get a lot of press. But he has the size and has been working with the team for a year now. Hopefully, as you suggest, he could be the secret weapon/left tackle. Pray a lot.

  6. They are going nuts on DC-area sports radio attempting to figure out what the Redskins are going to do with their two number one picks (and not much else). They are even attempting to use logic in the discussions. What a waste of time.


    Joe Gibbs is supposed to be running the show, since they have no GM, and Vinny Cerato is supposed to be somehow in charge of player personnel matters. However, everyone with and eye and ear knows that Danny boy is really calling the shots, and, as usual, missing the target. It's laughable to keep hearing that "Gibbs in in charge" while at the same time every pow wow on what the team should do includes the know nothing owner.


    I remember being on the field a few years ago after a Redskins-Steelers pre-season scrimmage and watching Snyder lecture Norv Turner while leading Turner to a little building next to the field where the door got slammed.


    Pretty sorry stuff.

  7. I agree 100 percent. The real steals are going to come in the second round this year.


    Oh yeah, if the Skins' let Ramsey go, they just might be the dumbest damn team in football.


    They already are the dumbest team in football. Letting Ramsey go would merely be the icing on the cake. Ramsay has the tools to be a very good quarterback. But, as another poster, mentioned, he's nothing more than a pawn for the deadheads running the asylum (when will Sean Taylor get arrested or suspended again?).


    I used to go to a lot of Redskins games in DC because I was able to get freebees (most of the time I was just waiting for the Bills game score to be posted). But now I could care less about wasting three hours watching the Snyder Follies.

  8. From everything I have heard, there are no plans at OBD to move Clements to Washington or to anyone for that matter.


    However, I think it's a foregone conclusion that Travis is already gone. He will be shipped out on draft day. The only question is where. TD will make a move, I just don't believe it will be as big a splash as last year.


    Yes, but no one heard about the moves for Willis or Losman before those drafts. That's my point. Donohoe cannot be trusted to shrink on draft day, just because of "appearances."

  9. Does anyone believe that TD is not up to something? His reputation precedes him, and whatever he may be cooking up will, hopefully, be delicious.


    That said, the fact that Greg Williams really would love to have Nate. and the Redskins funny deal with Denver (I'd refer to it as "intriguing" but Dan Snyder only does funny things) leads me to believe the Bills and Skins are up to something.


    Perhaps TD will pull off two trades: one will be for a cornerback and possibly include Travis; the other will involve Clemons and the Redskins. Who knows, we could even wind up with an decent offensive lineman as well.


    Ain't it fun?

  10. Speaking of laughing every skit, Jimmy Fallon used to do that all the time. I don't remember watching one skit where he didn't have that smile...


    That was Jimmy's personna, smiling Jimmy, rarely funny Jimmy.

  11. I've notciced the same thing...Sanz NEVER stays in charecter!  Surprised he's still on the show.  Brady sucked, but compared to other athlete-hosts he was okay.  Joe Montana and Wayne Gretzky stick out in my mind as the worst ever.  (Although how funny was it to hear Joe say "...I'll be up in my room masturbating!"  LOL)


    As far as SNL in general, it all comes down to writing.  No material, no yuks.




    Nancy Kerrigan was worse than any of them.

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