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Formerly Allan in MD

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Everything posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. The situation has deteriorated alot more since that point in time. Look at the defense, for instance.
  2. The GM and/or the coaching staff could wind up being here another year. Who is to say that this brain-dead organization, from top down, will have a clue how to fix things. I don't blame the players. They are as much victims as the fans.
  3. Come on! Since when is there anything like loyalty in pro sports? Who looks a gift horse in the mouth these days in our society?
  4. TD may have to address his failures, but this is not a new phenomena by any means. The OL problem has existed for years and all TD has done is look for band aids. Perhaps the message re the OL will finally get thru after this debacle. But what about all the other messages TD needs to address, as well? My, and so many other's, faith in TD is shot. Can Ralph commitment be very far behind? I certainly hope not. .
  5. Enough, already, on the personnel. They are victims, in a sense, as much as the fans are. It all starts with who brought them in and who coaches them. Harry Truman had it right.
  6. Incredible that TD passed over the likes of Marvin Lewis, John Fox, and Weis (and probably other good ones that don't immediately come to mind) to bring in the wunderkinds. Williams and Mularkey.
  7. What continually puzzles me is the fact that at Pittsburgh, TD, year after year, had significant losses of key players thru free agency but was always able to come up with outstanding replacements in the draft or elsewhere. Yet, with the Bills, the players he brings in are, with a few exceptions, a pretty mediocre lot. Where has the magic gone? Was TD merely lucky, or did he have a coaching staff that far outdistances the Bills' in its ability to develop players?
  8. These chumps might not necessarily be as bad as they look; they may be worse. This team is like a bad ballet - no coordination, no fire or heart, no effective lead dancer, and, certainly, poorly trained. The bottom line is that Losman is not the problem (yet); he's just learning behind a rather pitiful front. I blame TD for not bringing in the right, or enough, horses. In this regard, Teague looks like a bowling pin out there, taking strikes. Perhaps he never should have been moved to center (or signed?). Clements is vastly overrated. Watch the tapes if you think otherwise. Posey finally hit somebody, except he got flagged for it. Another TD "find." The defense? Malarkey looks perpetually lost on the sideline. And the way these clowns play reflects his competence level. Another TD gem. And did I mention Jerry Very Gray. It's pretty sad when your most effective player, game after game, is your punter. Ralph, get rid of the whole lousy "leadership team." Marv, where are you?
  9. Say what you want about Joe, but as an announcer, I'll take him anytime over Brent "I don't know a damn thing about anything but I'm smooth" Mussburger.
  10. You have got to love and respect Ralph. But is he still on top of things at his age? Does he still have what it takes to know when his GM has to go? Does anyone have Ralph's ear besides TD? It's a bit scary to think that TD, like him or not (I don't), may be running not only the team, but the owner, who has possibly become the victim of age. This sort of scenario rarely plays out in pro sports, but it very easily can, especially if the turnstiles keep clicking. So we may be stuck with incompetence and mediocrity for awhile. Scary!
  11. Getting Losman reps. As in a car, you'll never know until you test drive it. Plus, breaking it in is clearly necessary.
  12. Aside from Teddy Bear stuff, the crew is laughable in other ways. They all agree on what the outcome of a challenge will be and as soon as they are proven wrong, each one has an "I told you so" bit. Maguire is in a difficult position. If he comes off sounding Billish, he will obviously be labeled a homer. So he has to go in deep reverse just to protect himself. He therefore frequently appears less than objective.
  13. You have got to be kidding. New England was a damaged, mediocre team tonight; but we still figured out how to give them the game. The Bills are going nowhere with this front office and coaching staff. Oh for a Jim Kelly to kick some butt.
  14. Wow! A new bright light on the board.
  15. In a development that has shocked the entire NFL, the Bills announced that Jason Peters will be the starting quarterback Sunday night at New England. The Patriots are stunned. Even Bill Belicheck cannot figure what to make of this and how, in two days, to prepare to face this unfathomable threat. There are reports that Peters will be blocking for himself, on both the left and right sides. Also, passing plays are being quickly installed that will have Peters throwing to himself. This bold stroke will undoubtedly reinvigorate the proud franchise. Anything to make them forget the bleeding from Bledsoe, RJ, The Lateral, Greg Williams, and Flutie Flakes.
  16. So Parrish is working out, while admitting he cannot bend his wrist. If you really want to screw this guy up, go ahead and activate him, as so many are salivating to do, and watch and see how effective Roscoe is with no flexibility and possibly another break to deal with. This guy should, clearly, not be activated until he's 100%. Until than, physical therapy and conditioning is about all he should be involved with. I imagine, or certainly hope, the Bills understand this.
  17. I've seen better high school games. All those saying "celebrate, it's a win" are really deluding themselves. And, yes, Gandy really was getting beat badly.
  18. Some posters are praising McGee's game. It must because of the returns and the interception. I though his play at corner was pretty mediocre. You're not going to consistently win when teams focus on exploiting him.
  19. I was surprised how badly Gandy got beat.
  20. The whine isn't with Holcomb. It's with the rest of the play that frequently looked not much better than what you'll see at the local high school. Miami should have been blown away, except the Bills didn't have either the heart or the capacity, or both. And by the way, after what Green Bay did to the Saints, anybody satisfied with this win should really be wondering, Lossman at QB or not.
  21. Agreed. This may very well be beneficial to Losman in the long term. It could also save the jobs a some individuals on the coaching staff and in the front office, whether or not job security is deemed a positive outcome of all this. If the Bills start winning with Holcomb, no one will give much of a damn about the politics and implications of it all. Bottom line, the season is on the line at this point in time.
  22. But if the Bills win with Holcomb, it could be a job saver for MM.
  23. I've been suggesting this will happen for two weeks. It's unavoidable, in his situation. It will only stop when wins become the norm. This is additional pressure on JP, but perhaps, also, extra incentive to prove people and the press wrong.
  24. Villareal may still be favoring that injury. If so, in an ideal world he probably shouldn't be playing. But the Bills are more unreal than ideal.
  25. Perhaps this is why the Lions stocked up on receivers; they knew something.
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