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Formerly Allan in MD

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Everything posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. Byrd doesn't want to play for this team and will milk his foot thing all season. Question is how that will affect his market value in the off season.
  2. Right, Marrone played to lose. No question about it.
  3. Manuel's pocket presence was impressive. Perhaps even more impressive was that he had a pocket to be impressive in.
  4. Find a bridge and ....
  5. Trade him but on our terms: when he's played a few games and appears to be healthy. Otherwise you won't get fair value for him.
  6. You need custom orthotics and a lot of stretching to calm it down and make it manageable. Even then, it can still flare up.
  7. Bills have one major asset that they should utilize if at all possible beyond diving into the dump. Trade Byrd for a decent cornerback or other need and a high draft pick. Based on the Bills' history, this won't happen and Byrd will be gone next year with nothing to show for him. But one can dream.
  8. Who's looked very good, though against second and third stringers.
  9. Anytime McKelvin is your number one corner you're done. Every team will continually throw on our dbs and the passing yardage will be horrific. Optimal pressure is needed on opposting quarterbacks or we're finished before the season even starts. The post about us merely holding back because it's the preseason is utter nonsense. Trade Byrd for a decent corner and a high pick or it's over before it begins. Don't make the trade and it's Bye Bye Byrdie, with nothing to show for it. But of course we're famous for that.
  10. Trade Byrd for a decent corner and a high draft pick.
  11. Hey folks, it's the Bills. The law of averages don't apply. If we ever win something it will be a complete anomaly, never to be repeated in any of our lifetimes.
  12. The quarterback discussion in Buffalo is nothing like it is in DC where they've annointed God Griffin. Turn on the radio and tv or read the papers and it's like everyone's watching and waiting for the Messiah. Every move the guy makes receives multi columns in the press or non-stop discussion. It's pretty nauseating.
  13. Feel sorry for the Bills, not the idiot. And how do you know how law abiding he is and has been in the past?
  14. FedEx Field is a dreg and anyone not willing to drive to it, which entails spending eons of time in traffic, especially after a game, is treated to a wonderful mile walk each way to the closest mass transit stop. The whole idea of building the place was to go cheap and produce a cash cow, which it's been. Also, the place is far from Dan Snyder's notion of style, being located in mildly blue collar Prince Georges County and being far from a showplace for his wealthy friends.
  15. Belichek might order him to keep giving up on certain plays, if coach really wants him on the PS, until the final roster is defined. Perhaps throw in a few fumbles as well.
  16. One reading this thread would think that a pressure, blitzing defense is a new phenomena. Unfortunately, it is in Buffalo. Yes, you have to have the right personnel. But more importantly, you have to have the will and a defensive coordinator that has a clue. The so called defensive coordinators we've had of late appear to never have heard of pressure D. It drove me, and I'm sure many others, crazy watching game after game where the defense basically was on the field and did little more than take up space. You can get burned when you blitz but when you continually pressure and put the oppositions offense in a "defensive" mode during the course of a game, the gains much more often than not far outweigh the occasional misstep. This is refreshing!
  17. Our defensive coaching the last few years has been abysmal. The mindset was play it safe and hope for the best. Some mediocre talent didn't even make being conservative effective. Aggressive defense works. It's disruptive and keeps the other team constantly guessing. We've certainly been guessing and confused on offense for a long time. Yes, occasionally you'll get burned running a particular blitz package. But the pluses generally outweigh the minuses.
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