The Danny Snyder Show would be dropped early-on as a drama series on TV but would receive top ratings as a comedy show. Unfortunately for Redskin fans, the show continually gets renewed.
Basically, Danny is like a kid with a toy, except the kid can't understand or refuses to follow the instructions on how to use the toy properly.
Another thought about today, the season, and recent seasons past: we need to play smart. It gets us killed game after game. Today's game was the perfect example of bonehead play and what it does to you.
We need a quarterback. EJ will likely never be that guy. He has poor insticts, which you don't teach. And he doesn't appear to be a leader. The pundits were probably right before the last draft: no one out there was worth a number one pick.
Yes, don't win again and you'll draft higher. Except we rarely draft well no matter how high-up we are.
Yes, don't win again and you'll draft higher. Except we rarely draft well no matter how high-up we are.
If you think the Bills are bad, you should have watched the Redskins game. KC could have scored 70 points it they'd wanted to. By the way, the John Elway creation, Mike Shanahan, is a joke of a coach. Our guy deserves a break as he's just a rookie.