Right, all we need is a big name head coach. The Redskins have been coughing up the big bucks for years in that regard. Mike Shanahan and his two Super Bowl rings was a major name, and a major loser as it turned out, who possibly ruined Griffin's career. Then there was Steve Spurrier etc. etc. Pegula needs to spend his money on a quarterback who can win games and create a winning atmosphere in this town. This will change the culture and help attract other big name free agents who have been avoiding Buffalo like the plague. A big name doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a winner. Much depends on how good your GM is and how much authority he has. Also, how much that GM has in selecting a quality coach. Again, there's Washington, where Dan Snyder has done everything possible to bring in a quality, powerful GM (who might the owner) and look where it's left that franchise.