Cousins is talented. His problem is that no matter how well he's playing, when he makes a mistake it eats at him, he gets down on himself, and more mistakes follow. Perhaps a good psychotherapist would help. It did wonders for John Smoltz. The talent is there.
Speaking of the Redskins, Griffin absolutely needs to get out of Washington. He's really down. It was very noticeable at his press conference Tuesday. The DC press is having a field day sniping at him and creating issues where none apparently exist. Above all, his coach has been a total ass by continually and publicly dissing him. RG can play (he showed it Sunday) and yes, needs a system that suits his talents and inclinations, but it needs to be somewhere else. At this point in time, with Gruden apparently sticking around, Griffin could come relatively cheap, although Dan Snyder is such a fool he probably will insist on ridiculous return on his heavy investment. I'd take a cost effective shot at him. He could prove a major bargain, especially under a coach that doesn't get him killed when he shouldn't be playing because of injuries (Shanahan) and shows him some support and respect.