Look at the league stats for total defense. We're near the bottom for pass defense. Yes, we've faced some top quarterbacks but we still should be doing much better.
Sestak was so good that I recall being told back then that while in college, he was not allowed to scrimmage against the first team offense because they were afraid he'd injure key teammates
He used to hang out at Kohl's on Elmwood on Friday nights just sitting at the bar talking with the fans.
You won't get penalized or fined. This stuff is costing us big time game after game. Someone needs to teach these guys control. It starts with the coaching. It shouldn't be the league; then it's too late.
Agreed, hands in the throwing lanes can help. Yet, you don't see if that often. Of course if you're rushing the passer, the focus is to go all out to reach him. But if you're not rushing and it's clearly a passing play, get 'em up.
Kick off returners have to make major decisions: should I measure how far it goes past the end line or should I be brave or stupid and return it? Punt returners have to use some judgement and not be brave or stupid.
Injuries happen. It doesn't mean you can't recover and make major contributions while healthy. If you want to give up on an athlete because he periodically gets injured, you'd see guys like Mickey Mantle and Al Kaline not being major assets and making the Hall of Fame.
If your a fan your a fan, if you're not you're not. "Maybe" doesn't cut it. Plus, who cares?
Of course this does raise the question of whether or not Kraft is God.