His regression as a player has been because of a variety of injuries and his difficulty in adapting to being a drop back passer, which the Redskins have wanted him to become because of the injuries and their impact on his speed and elusiveness. The Catch-22 is that he cannot adapt if he's not playing, which is the case now. The celebrity status stuff is overblown by the press who are looking for stories. It certainly wasn't mentioned or a factor in his rookie year. Griffin is basically a quiet, articulate guy from a military family who doesn't identify, and apparently hang out, with the many under-educated and boisterous types he has to play with. They resent it and this has hurt him publicly. The press has even gone so far as to elicit comments from individual players in this regard. It's, overall, a nasty situation, especially when, on top of everything, your coach dislikes you and publicly says so.