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Formerly Allan in MD

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Everything posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. Manny has had a decent season. The same cannot be said for many others on this team. A number of vets have dropped off and some of them don't appear to understand what's going on. With Rex as coach, I'm with them.
  2. There is if you're Rex, who wants you to be impressed with his brilliance.
  3. You don't need a czar to come up with those fixes. But even those won't help with Rex running the show on the field. No need for a czar to come up with that one either.
  4. Nothing's enough for some individuals.
  5. Serious injuries can ruin a promising career.
  6. Discussion about who to retain from the coaching staff if Rex gets fired (please!!!) is pretty much a non starter as a new coach will want to by-and-large bring in his own people. I like Whaley and hope he's retained unless a true genius emerges for consideration (see final sentence of post). The Pegulas have a lot of money. How about making an offer to Belichik that he cannot refuse. And tell him to bring the "Buffalo Boy" with him.
  7. Where there's smoke there's fire, as the expression goes. And this about someone (and his assistants) who's supposedly a "players coach."
  8. When you're a billionaire businessman and your COO is not performing, you fire him. Terry did it with Sabres coaches so why do so many think he won't do it with Ryan?
  9. What does one expect them to say at this point in time? If it happens it may well be with a renegotiated contract.
  10. Let's hope the Pegulas have been studying the board. They made a significant mistake with this hire, likely out of inexperience and because of how much Ryan impressed him when he interviewed. They should now know better. Rex cannot coach and there's no need to prolong the agony. Plus, Terry can afford to eat this salary and learn from this disaster.
  11. We need a real coach.
  12. The Pegulas truly bought the team to make money off you. They really need it to add to their billions in the bank. What a cheap shot. They were new to the game and someone put a bug in their ear, which Ryan undoubtedly amplified with his pontifications.
  13. Rex knows very little. He's the "Mouth That Roared Hot Air."
  14. Agreed. EJ will be lucky to be a third stringer somewhere. Anyone who might want him, who knows why, will wait for him to be cut.
  15. He becomes Director of Player Personnel. Keep him happy, sort of, by maintaining his current salary. Whaley has done a good job and should be retained. The guy who has to be replaced is Rex, the sooner the better.
  16. I'd shut him down. Let's see what G. can do.
  17. He retooled the D and look what it led to. Staying with a loser is like believing the Titanic merely had a bad night. Things won't get better for that ship either. RYAN CANNOT COACH!!!
  18. No team is going to be successful with this loser as head coach. You must like sinking ships.
  19. McKelvin continues to be a poor excuse for a football player. You'll know the Bills have improved when he's no longer around. Ditto Ryan as coach. I like Hogan but as others have mentioned previously, why does he leap when he doesn't have to? It cost us a major chunk of yardage today. Less than a yard to go for a TD and you continually attempt to run up the middle behind our immovable objects on the OL. Why? Darby really had a bad game. When Hughes, who never quits, has to be in pass coverage, something is desperately wrong. We need a stud middle linebacker and two offensive linemen who can run and pass block. Not going to Sammy regularly until mid-season was such a waste.
  20. Next season will look promising if/when Ryan gets fired. He is one terrible NFL coach no matter what he says.
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