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Formerly Allan in MD

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Everything posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. Rather than decade per se, I'll go with a ten year period split between two decades. Nothing could, arguably, beat the mid-50 thru mid-60 period. Having had the great fortune to see so many of Jim Brown's games on the tube (in Buffalo since Cleveland was the closest NFL franchise) and many of Johnny Unitas' during that period, nothing can compare. In my mind, they were to two finest players in NFL history, which makes that 10 year stretch unbeatable.
  2. The question may be a southern thing. The birds wouldn't want to be embarrassed in front of their "progressive" fans.
  3. If we make it, it will be despite Rex Ryan. We'll have to have no key injuries, a fabulous draft, and a few free agents that really produce. Also, we'll need a solid back-up quarterback and a single reliable kicker. Should I dream on?
  4. Money to resign Gilmore.
  5. It's about time.
  6. Peyton's reputation may very well need Nationwide at it's side.
  7. I can easily see the Pats jumping on him.
  8. i don't believe in Rex Ryan, our offensive line may well be worse than last year's, and we don't have the luxury we had last season of going after some high priced free agents. Also, and this is rarely mentioned, we don't have a dependable kicker and that could turn out to be a continuing problem. Almost forgot that we don't have a dependable back-up quarterback, which could be deadly should TT go down.
  9. This is on Ryan. His square peg into round hole defensive "philosophy" ruined one of the best defenses in the league. Rex, if it's not broke you don't attempt to fix it. Yes, we'll now have more cap space but too many other things have to be fixed, such as the OL, to make you something you've rarely been, a winner.
  10. RI's contract demands are those of his agent. Most players depend on agents to get as much as they can for them. And agents, of course, play the game because they're cut will be bigger. Many a player has left a team that they enjoyed playing on and really wanted to stay with because their agents convinced them to go after the bigger bucks. Hopefully, RI will only play that game to a point, otherwise we're in very big trouble.
  11. Must be a mistake as according to a number on this board, Whaley is a terrible GM. But I'm with this kind of terrible.
  12. We drafted Gregory, I believe, because he was a rookie with the Bills. And he was a good one. You can't compare Gregory with Cookie as a runner because few compared to Cookie. Plus Gregory only played a short time with the Bills until he got injured. But he really impressed in that short period. I recall that the day after Gregory tore up his knee one of the News columnist stated that he was pretty distraught because he foresaw big things for Gregory. Speaking of Cookie, for those not familiar with that era, the day he arrived in camp he was driving a gold Cadillac convertible with "Lookie, lookie here comes Cookie" painted on the side. Billy Brooks was underrated. He wasn't fast but he was fearless going over the middle, and he could catch the ball.
  13. The reason he's dropped is because he was pretty much a non-entity in his bowl game.
  14. The winner going away for most overrated Bill: Walt Patulski was the first overall pick of the 1972 draft after being an All-American and Lombardi Trophy winning defensive end at Notre Dame. He played a few mediocre seasons with the Bills. Nobody missed him when he departed. We've had a lot of other first round draft picks who were busts (Mike Williams and J.P. Losman, for instance). But no one who went bust carried more expectations coming in than Patulski.
  15. The hit we need is the one that'll leave an impression on Rex's derrier as he's booted out the door. And Carly's not the one to initiate it.
  16. We desperately need continuity with a loser of a coach? It's bad enough learning how bad Ryan is and you want to prolong the agony? It's nothing more than a recipe for ongoing mediocrity. Actually, we may be compounding the agony since we now have two Ryans.
  17. Where does this come from? George Saimes was considered an extremely talented and valuable player during his tenure with the Bills.
  18. George Saimes was far from underrated We had some guys with very short stays who you'll never hear about because they had career ending injuries early on. One who comes to mind was Ben Gregory, a bruising rookie fullback who looked like a future Pro Bowler until he totally tore up his knee.
  19. In the grand scheme, Kenneth Davis was extremely valuable in his "flight" under the radar.
  20. Byrd was far from underrated. He received significant props league-wide and in the press.
  21. And we did it with the same players. Rex was arrogant and incapable of accepting the fact that he inherited a fine defense that didn't need to be "fixed" with his brilliant scheme.
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