The expectations are that the Bills will have a winning organization and team. For so many years we've not had both, which is what it takes to be continually successful. We have a lot of talented players and, I believe, a good GM. But Ryan has not been a winner in 5 years. His teams, including this one, have little in the way of a game plan, ability to take advantage of strengths (such as last years defense, which was the mirror or the previous seasons exceptional one), and no discipline (don't continually shake your head Rex over the penalties; do something). Most teams, based on that record, would not hire him (no matter how tough, impressive, and being a "players coach" he appears to be during the interview). Pegula has fired Sabres coaches with more success. Hopefully, he'll figure out sooner rather than later that Ryan is incapable of winning. A lot of posters on this board defend him. But compare him to the likes of truly successful coaches, such as Belichek, who've not always had sterling personnel but still know what it takes to win. Personally, I'm totally tired of having expectations, hearing about our improvement, and being totally disillusioned. We should have won today!