A big problem, that lingers, is that when the Pegulas bought the team, everyone was saying they should bring in a solid, knowlegeable person to advise and guide them about the in and outs of owning a pro football team. A number of names were mentioned but nothing occurred. This team and its owners could still use a Director of Football Operations who's previously worked in some high, responsible capacity for a successful football operation. Let him be the eyes and ears, and the helping hand for the owners. The perfect example of where this didn't occur, aside from Buffalo, is in Washington. Big Man Snyder bought the team, decided it was his and only his show, and made all the decisions for years without allowing knowledgeable football people intercede. Look where that took them. I like Whaley but he and the Pegulas can't successfully do it alone; that's pretty clear. Ryan and Brandon certainly don't help. If things were to change in this regard tomorrow, Whaley may have a problem with the new arrangement. If he does, he can always leave or be replaced. Another option is to bring in that top shelf guy and make him both DOFO and GM. Where's Belichik when you need him?