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Formerly Allan in MD

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Everything posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. Can we restart this thread following the college season when possibly one or more Trubiskys come out of nowhere and all these potential wonders have shown or improved their wares and stayed healthy? What a question!
  2. As long as its not with the Bills. More mediocrity is the last thing we need.
  3. Draft picks should never be used on camp fodder. That's what UDFAs are all about.
  4. This century - Rice Chris Carter Previous - Harlon Hill Bambi Raymond Berry
  5. The Bills are indeed classics. Perhaps the one really true nice thing was OJ and what he did for the Bills, and now he's an unconvicted murderer but imprisoned for other crimes. It started very early on. In the early AFL days we drafted Ernie Davis, who was to be our golden running back for years to come should we be able to sign him. So he has cancer and passes before ever wearing a uniform. Again, early days: Johnny Green is supposed to be a big time quarterback prospect, except he keeps throwing interceptions. They give him an eye exam and he turns out to be colorblind. And on and on it goes with Buffalo (wide right, music city miracle, no goal, etc.). We justly deserve "it's a Buffalo thing."
  6. Go away! You obviously are seeking attention.
  7. Pretty worthless speculation given that a or a few new Trubisky types can always emerge, whether they're new starters or have been around but have now figured it out.
  8. I don't trust anyone until I see what they have and can accomplish.
  9. Success is what occurs if we use all these high draft picks properly and successfully. Everything between now and draft day(s) 2018 is prelude.
  10. Sammo sammo works for you. It hasn't worked here for many years. I'll go with the approach of a new regime with new thinking. Yes, it may not work. But sammo sammo hasn't either.
  11. We've been moving backwards for some time; so the dark cloud is nothing new. All the hype and hope over the years has been for naught. What's wrong with a new regime, with its new thinking and approach? If all these draft picks are utilized properly, watch out NFL. Of course, Browns fans are saying the same thing. Bottom line: new day arrives from a new way.
  12. Yes, Matthews is a free agent next year. Good season means good money to retain him, it that's possible.
  13. Sammy is not overrated. Yes, he's been injured.
  14. You can't compare. Look at the quarterbacks throwing to each of them.
  15. It all depends on what you do with the draft picks. Every years it's sammo and nada. A change of gears is refreshing.
  16. That's defeatist; won't happen. Think he was expecting to go to the Bowl this season?
  17. If Matthews produces and we can resign him, it's a solid move. If he produces and leaves, as Sammy would have, it's a gimme. Darby really fell off last season and wasn't showing much in camp. Something is going on. Good move.
  18. He will also be a free agent after this season.
  19. Redskins would give a load for McCoy. They have no running game, as evidenced last night, and will lose Cousins next season. There future is NOW.
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