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Everything posted by TtownBillsFan

  1. Sorry, just now seeing and replying to this, Doc. I have many rent houses, and I'd say 60% are paying late, or not at all (probably 80% late, 20% not at all). All of them have their reasons/excuses, and I'm a fair guy, so I try to work with those that aren't just trying to jerk me around. The problem is, I'm neutered in my ability to demand rent, as I can't evict, as there's a moratorium on evictions for not paying rent. It's all well and good the extending of unemployment benefits; most of the people I deal with are making MORE now than they ever did working. But because they know they can't be evicted, they're just not paying. It's going to make a NASTY back-log of evictions once this stuff is figured out. And even then, I'm going to have to file liens on people's future income. I understand why they did it, but giving people EXTRA money to stay at home, AND neuter landlords, it was a VERY BAD combination. Most people that I rent to, rent because they have sucky credit ratings, and, thus, can't get a loan to buy a house. And I'm NOT renting in the crappy-part of my town; I rent to the mid-level people. The people that COULD afford to own - but don't manage their money well. The exact people that extending unemployment benefits. WHY did we EVER do the thing we just did; the unemployment-per-area +600.00? Why didn't we just make it so that, you got 100% (or some lesser amount) of what you were making? When you make it unemployment +600/week, everyone HAD to know that there were a bunch of people that were going to be making WAY WAY more than they ever made, sitting at home. That was a CRAZY, STUPID idea. And I'm glad the "R's" are fighting against extending that. Trump's thing offering +$400.00 is STILL too much, in my opinion. Why couldn't they have just passed a short-term thing that said, you make 100% of what you made, while sitting at home doing nothing (I've still had to work this whole time). They didn't have to give a freebie +money. They could have just said that unemployment insurance now pays 100% of what you were making. Definitely shouldn't have been more; maybe even a little less, to incentivize.
  2. It's going to be an absolute mess and crap-shoot. Only those that have done their homework for YEARS will benefit, and it seems our guys are pretty dang good. Now is the time that will separate the pretenders from the contenders, when it comes to the college-scouting departments. Oh, to add - they'll have to take into question character THAT MUCH MORE right now, if some of the players opt-out. They'll have to figure out those that have the want-to to play, versus those looking for the pay-day. Should be pretty easy to figure out, but it'll mean that much more this time.
  3. This one hurts me a bit: I have a lot of rent houses, and we were already trying to figure when we could start posting the legal notices we have to to boot people that aren't paying their rent (seems we landlords are the FIRST people to get screwed from the money; even though most of the people living in my houses made more sitting at home doing nothing, than they ever did working). I understand the need for it, but they have to realize that many, if not most, rent-houses are owned by individuals; and if they don't pay rent, I can't pay mortgage on said rental property. Hopefully there's some love for us, too.
  4. Good grief, give them a place to type their thoughts, and they'll tell you exactly who they are. The left probably couldn't be any more racist if they really really tried. I don't know if it's funnier, or scarier, that they don't realize their own racism. What is the common theme; the soft-biggotry of the "Left". Is it really all that 'soft', anymore? The projection is off the charts. It's this kind of schiff that has the more intelligent on the left 'walking away'. I'd be embarrassed if I were on the 'left', at this point.
  5. It's not a right, it's a privilege. Not EVERYONE living here has it. Many would learn what it takes to attain that privilege. But it's most, certainly, not a right.
  6. This should be one of those things where EVERYONE can agree; and anyone that it implicates, with real evidence, should go down, and go down HARD. I GUARANTEE we ALL agree with that on the "right" (I know that doesn't describe all on my side, but just to make the distinction'...). I HOPE that those on the 'left' would agree that, if the evidence is there, they come at those people as hard as any on the right. If you're smart, you go at them even harder!
  7. Ugh, I know; that's a problem. And I'm having my mother-in-law watch it, and my poor wife. What the heck is that crap. Those kids can't be coached to that level!!!
  8. WTF did I just watch? Those kids didn't seem to be coached; hard to coach kids that age to make-up-stuff, said in unison. Do I want to know what I just watched? WOW is all I can say, wow.
  9. Couldn't even make it on the Ocho! Fear not; they lost nary a viewer by their protest! BUH-BYE! We aren't carving out SNIT for you, ass-clown. BUT, we'd be happy to help you find somewhere else to live; dare I say, we'd be more than happy to pay for you to move wherever you wish! But no, no Texas for you!
  10. I'm sure it's been mentioned after me (and this post), but where are all the black lives in this video. The screen-capture-beginning picture looks whiter than a clan-rally (do they still have those, dems?) When are these entitled, self-hating white kids going to figure out they're at best being used. At worst, they're pushing the exact thing they think they're railing against. I really don't understand how these kids went so far off the rails. Well, I kinda do, but it's a whole other discussion for another thread. But what will it take for them to figure it out? That's a question for a new thread, methinks. What will it take/when will it happen, that's these used pale-faces figure out they're being used. When there are countless videos out there of REAL black people saying this BLM stuff is bogus, and these silly, liberal, white-apologetic white-apologizing kids keep it up; what is going to make them figure out they're being used?
  11. Yep, good to see you back after it. You have some missed time to make up for, so get after it
  12. Yep, eating their own. Love it.
  13. When will they learn? They ALWAYS end up eating 'their own'. Given time, they come for all of you/us. You/WE HAVE to end this schiff, yesterday. But they never learn, until it's their gate that's being torn down.
  14. At some point, don't the police treat these a-holes for what they are, a rioting, looting, mob? The fact that someone hasn't been, to this point, killed acting a-fool is pretty amazing. It shows the restraint that law enforcement is showing, to this point. But I bet, if this continues much longer, we're going to have our first mob-person death, and then they're really going to go batty. That's likely why it hasn't happened yet; but it's likely coming. I praise the cops for the restraint they have, and there's a reason I'm not a LEO. That muppet-faced old lady is a caricature of a Muppet! Only the left could continue to elect these farcical characters as they do.
  15. Why are we even debating this? The guy couldn't read the word corpsman from a teleprompter, and pronounce it correctly. Yes, he was generally well-spoken, when reading from a script. But, heck, so would be most people I know. He was the right caricature for the time, and it worked; twice. Doesn't prove a dang thing about the caricature's mental capacity.
  16. Well, now, Buffalo Timmy, that's just not F'ing fair I don't have kids, we don't want kids, we (or I) am really bent out of shape that every year, the county wants to take my house, because I don't like paying property taxes on something the f'ing city/county/state had no part in my acquiring. I'm okay with income tax. But they can kinda suck a fat-one on property taxes.
  17. In what way? Did you finally get "red-pilled", and figure out you've been lied too, your whole life, about pretty much everything you've been thinking, or 'nah'?
  18. They can pull you over for having a light out here, too. That's probably the same across the country. It's for safety reasons, and probably also so that they can get ghetto-ass vehicles off the road for improper maintenance, which is a safety issue for everyone else on the road. If you have a problem with that, you probably haven't almost rear-ended someone with their brake-lights not properly working.
  19. I don't know, but does it matter, short of them assaulting anyone else like that? I'd have straight up been whoopin some *****. You don't come down on me and mine, without getting some hard-core repercussions. That seemed like a straight-up girl beat-down that was happening to the dude. And MAYBE they were trying to get at the girl he was protecting (but they seemed to want to whoop his ass ever before that.) Doesn't matter, in the least. Once a mob goes after someone, I'm ending it, quickly, and violently.
  20. I wasn't suggesting it should be the answer. I was asking, if it were the answer we were given, do we think we have the ability to end that right then and there? I think we probably do (or damn well should, for the black-budget we've expensed). I, too, hope it never gets there; but you have to figure, given the budget we've expensed on all of this, that we've kinda known that, at some point, some a-hole is going to try to fling one our way. I'm asking if anyone thinks we're capable of dealing with that (taking one sent our way off the board). And if we can take out one, do we have the ability to end multiple? Probably a question for another thread; just don't know which. But I'm mighty curious; and one of our most plugged-in is out of commission for a few, so wondering what the general populace thinks.
  21. Quoting you, so that a prior quote I started didn't end up here. I have an honest question, which is where something like this will end up, if we want to end it; how advanced are our weapons, versus those of the Chinese (in particular), and those of the rest of the nations that might not want us to end this genocide BS? Do we have the arms that are so advanced that we could kill any 'conventional' nuclear attempts against us? I'm guessing we likely are at that point (I sure the heck hope we are!) I'm hoping we're several generations beyond conventional 'missiles', and would have the ability to knock any of that crap out of the air, from space. I think we're likely there, and the whole ICBM fear is a thing of the past. Am I hoping for something that likely exists, or am I hoping for something not there, yet? Given the way we can be found, on earth, by our own cell-phones, something tells me we have the ability to knock crap out of the air, on a dime, if needed. To add, I think we likely have stuff so far beyond ICBM nuclear missile stuff, even worrying about what we/China/USSR had back then is funny. I'm hoping all the 'black-budget' stuff we have going one puts us so far beyond missiles, that's it's not even worth worrying about. And, as such, I hope we just put a big-ass lock-down on these countries like China, killing their people. I'm hoping Trump comes out with the BIG D, and says, no more of that BS, straight-up! He's trying to, economically. We might just have to swing the big D, and do it militarily, but I'm asking if we have enough to do that, since we rubes are not in the know.
  22. You're one of the few lefties that I haven't yet put on ignore, but it's because you discuss things; not just drive-by. However, brevity is the soul of wit; please consider that. I'm not sure where it is up in your page-long response, but your numbered response to someone else, where you addressed the issues of 'green' energy (namely, solar). The one thing you didn't discuss, and I think you numbered them 1 through 9, was the big one: availability/storage capacity. That's the ONE thing that must be solved for Solar to take over. And I think we'll, eventually, figure that out (the storage part; we can't fix the availability). Once we have the storage figured out, THEN solar becomes a viable means of always/real-time energy. Until then, it's just a fart in the wind.
  23. Again, can we get a WOW or WTF 'thumbs-up' response, PLEASE?!
  24. Eh, I get your point, but we chose not to have any, and still have to pay, as if we did. I don't have to be kind about it. I pay the same, regardless.
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