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Everything posted by TtownBillsFan

  1. Is he saying "if you LOST your child, if you lost your child"? Hmmm, how many people, with children, LOSE their children coming across the border? Good grief, how bad is it, if we LOST our child, don't you think we'd be yelling to the rafters to get our children back? WTF is this demented old dud saying?
  2. What's that, a 5X1 kid to adult-aged ratio, at worst? A bunch of 20-somethings, 60+ of those 'kids' per-team, versus maybe two-dozen 'adult' aged people. Yeah, no wonder the NFL didn't see rampant Covid. It was bull#### from day one. Several NFL players stood up like MEN would, and the rest cow-towed to the media. I stand with the hand-full of players that had some BALLS. The rest are a bunch of nancy-girls.
  3. WTF is the point of this, 716er? You either have a comment to what was posted, or not. Why post something so BS? I'm honestly surprised that 12 kids died OF Covid. I'd be willing to bet that, AT LEAST 1/2 of those, were not OF, but maybe WITH. How the hell does someone under 18 die OF Covid? I call bull####.
  4. I got the ***** after being down with Bronchitus, that I get almost annually. Was over the bronchitus, then GF brought the 'vid home, after I was three days on the mend. I did NOT enjoy the week I had the 'vid' it sucked badly. But I survived, and I came out okay on the other side, as did my GF, and her 16-year-old that had had some strain of it a couple months prior. Normally-healthy people will just get it as the flu (although we had every bad symptom that you can have), but we survived just fine. I now have my 'vid' badge of survival, and will be that much harder to infect in the future.
  5. Just to be clear: I'm NOT a fan of denying service based upon race, class, sexuality, political beliefs, religious beliefs, etc. Just be ready to get it from the other side, if you want to make that part of your determination of service. MY SIDE does not do that in general. Please don't make that ***** the new norm!
  6. We can agree on that. So be it. Be ready for the divide it will cause, and don't get butt-hurt when you see people leaving your side of the aisle of agreement. Agree to that, and then, game on
  7. I want to say so many things that'd get me banned. I disagree with the raging red-head's lies. She can't even admit that they can't/won't admit when they're wrong!!! It's OKAY to be wrong. That's what 'following the science' means, if you really mean it!!! They don't!!! 'Do what we say, when we say, how we say, else you're wrong!' That's their MO. TIRED OF IT!!!
  8. MONEY, it's always MONEY. They got it by being the anti-establishment. They're now the establishment, and want to keep it. But I didn't need to tell you that.
  9. Hadn't seen it prior, bud glad that "The Rock " is on the side 9f freedom of speech and thought!
  10. This kinda ***** pisses me off. Either, #1, there are so many right-aligned nazis in America, that they were able to get what looks like, what, maybe 8-10 of those knuckleheads together in one spot, or #2, there are the same number of crazy lefties that would pose as such. Either way, who flipping cares what a few crazies have to say. They do not represent the overwhelming majority of Americans.
  11. F this guy, and everything he thinks he stands for. He is NOT a conservative, nor a republican. I think he makes that pretty clear, if for not other reason, he robustly backed Terry McAluiffe, who is, most certainly, not a conservative, by anyone's measure. What was the "Lincoln Project" supposed to stand for? Wasn't it supposed to be Conservative ideals, and they were anti-Trumpers? Well, you can't do either of those, and support Shrillary's former compatriot.
  12. No. Period. I 100% hope that ANY and ALL instances of, or appearances of, inappropriateness are fully investigated. That's the difference about our side: We INVITE it!
  13. Perhaps he's not the jackass that your side wishes? When will you figure out you're wrong? When will you admit it???!! Doc, this is NOT aimed at you.
  14. I'll step up to this challenge! Cuomo: NY's Governor put a bunch of sick people in many old-folks' homes. Many old folks died. You know this, I know this, everyone knows this. Will his ####### move ever be taken to task?
  15. YOU know the answer to this, and why I laughed about it above. We're getting really close to where we tell the Feds to ***** WAY WAY off.
  16. Man, I was pulling for us to get Cody Ford, as he was a stud at OU. He's really, REALLY, disappointed. I hope he gets it figured out, but won't likely be in Buffalo. Shame.
  17. And that flick of the wrist by Josh, makes it look too easy!
  18. LOL. You have no love. You're one of those, I want to win, but I'll be the first to hate on if we don't, type of ####### JACKASS, DOUCHE-BAGS. I'm so done with even posting over here. You people are so ***** hateful, literally full of HATE, I'm done with you on this site. I don't understand how you guys still have a football team, with all the hate you level. Evil people, evil minds, hateful hearts. I'm done posting on this site.
  19. If you're saying we could use a STUD at RB, sure, I'll agree. But to put it the way you did; no, you're wrong, and how many teams over that last 10 years have had a STUD RB, as you're defining it? Especially how many of those won BECAUSE of a stud RB. It sucks to have lost, today, to the team with the best RB in the league. Yes, that sucks. But they won't even make it to the Championship, much less the SB. Get a F'ing grip!
  20. 99.9% chance. Sucks it didn't work. I was talking to my bud on the phone when it was going on, not even realizing the circumstances. I had that much 'know' that was going to work. Sucks it didn't, but 99.9% times, it does! They won tonight, and deservedly so. Damn, they're RB is a STUD! Best in the NFL, and so strong/game-changing on his own. Maybe more than (not saying he's better, but he's definitely game-changing as any that has ever been) Barry. And Barry was THE MAN! Just in different ways. RB's aren't supposed to be 6'3, 250! That's flipping TE size, NOT a RB with the wheels, and moves that truck has!
  21. There won't be a QB on a team that goes 16-1 or 15-2 or even 14-3. Those losses, where they shouldn't come, will happen, throughout this year. OUR TEAM is one of , if not, the best team in the NFL, even after this loss. Just wait and see the coverage tomorrow, and how it continues to warp to the Bills being the best team in the NFL, throughout the year.
  22. AND, (at least I hope!!!), our Frazier knows that as well, and will modify things as needed. We really just need to blitz a little bit more, and I think we'll start destroying QB's. We HAVE the front four/five at any given time that can really make a QB's life no-fun. We just need to start bringing the blitz a little bit more.
  23. Do you know any front four, without blitzing, that get even GOOD pressure with their front four? We have a GREAT rotation in the front four. We'll have it all year (we're pretty deep there). We will get SOME pressure from the front four, some plays/days/games better than others. But we don't, right now, have the new BRUUUUUCE on the line. Those are once a generation for a reason. We had decent play, when he wasn't being HELD every other play, by Jerry Hughes. We MIGHT have another really nice edge-rusher in the rook. But give it a break; teams don't get studs on both sides of the line for multiple years. We have close to that right now, this year. Just one of those is in his waining years, and the other is a rook. Give it a bit of time to level out.
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