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Everything posted by BufBills83

  1. But I thought he wasn't playing???
  2. They'll be better this year, last year is in the past and they are already 1-1 this year.
  3. Same reasons as other elite teams, like the 2007 Patriots, didn't win the Superbowl. Factors like luck, very even teams where 1 or 2 plays make the difference in the game. The margin for error in the playoff games is so close most of the time that having an elite roster doesn't necessarily mean you will win.
  4. Are we really arguing the Titans have a better roster than the Bills? We're supposed to be Superbowl favorites here. Get out of here with this nonsense. How does anyone figure the Titans are better?
  5. I was going to say, Gilliam got a nice block on that run as well.
  6. The way I look at heartbreaking losses, like '13 seconds,' is that, in the moment, it is hugely disappointing, no doubt. I didn't want to watch any more of the playoffs, but did watch the Superbowl. However, eventually you have to be like, ok, it's in the past, and we can either dwell on it, or we can react and make changes so that we are better for it. Let it fuel us. And that is what I think it is doing and is going to continue to do for the Bills. Would they have signed Von Miller if '13 seconds' didn't happen? Who knows? But I feel that what happened in KC is going to fuel the team and make them hungrier this year. And if that brings a SB win, I'm certainly going to take it.
  7. Right, and we're still the betting favorites to do just that.
  8. You aren't going to be that naïve are you? We play KC this year, we can definitely win. The past 2 games are different years, different teams.
  9. That was last year, you know as well as I do that game could have gone the other way VERY easily.
  10. Like I said, we're still Superbowl favorites
  11. This board is really fun sometimes...
  12. Yep, everyone needs something instant to offset the moves of other teams, even though we already had a head start as far as how good our roster is.
  13. I mean, Superbowl favorite means that in the eyes of many, we have the best roster and best chance to win THIS YEAR, nothing in the past matters.
  14. Well, we are the Superbowl favorite...
  15. People want that instant gratification.
  16. Its just BillsVet, dont' mind him, he doesn't make much sense.
  17. I know more about the Bills, how they are going to do, the inside's and outs of the team, than you ever will. So please don't tell me to hang it up for the night #######. You're not invited to the parade. BillsVet likes to complain about things Looks like he left for the night, I would have too if I was him.
  18. But you didn't answer my question...
  19. When someone has a valid point against you, its tossed aside. We get it. When the Bills win the Superbowl this year, don't act like you saw it coming.
  20. Why don't you stop being negative about everything and start enjoying football.
  21. Tell me, who are the SB favorites as of right now?
  22. And whose to say we won't since we will be contenders for years to come? Or you just didn't have one worthy of being posted.
  23. We get it, stop living in the past.
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