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Everything posted by BuffaloRush

  1. Good move "Razor" Ramon Humber is really a special teams guy. Would not start on most teams. I give him credit for playing well in a few games this year.
  2. That dude sucks. He blocked me on Twitter for criticizing him. Funny how he can criticize the Bills but can't take the heat himself
  3. Always tough to take message board members who say they have "sources." Time will tell
  4. Right that's what I'm saying. Home field advantage.
  5. So kicking the ball away and basically playing for a tie would be seen as more positive, than trying to win the game? Maybe by the same conservative minded coaches who would have punted the ball on 4th and 1 in overtime. I disagree. You play to the win the game. It's should be viewed the same as needing points on 4th-and-4 at the 31. You go for it everytime. Pagano made a weakass decision. Should be grilled for it
  6. Nope - this was after the clock was stopped. The Colts had called a time out. You can't run a play during a timeout. I'm telling you this is one interesting scenario. Would not be surprised to see a team try to kick the snow back on the spot as a strategy. Yeah but can they? I'm not sure if they could in that situation
  7. You can't blame the Bills for moving on. He was always hurt. When Goodwin was active though, he was a good player. Glad to see him succeed
  8. I was thinking the same thing.
  9. Personally, I think if you have the wrong guy at HC you don't keep him for continuity sake. History has shown, it's not a good idea. Rex was the wrong guy and the Pegulas made the right choice. I think the Pegulas though think like you - I would be surprised if McDermott doesn't get at least 4 years barring back-to-back catastrophic seasons.
  10. McDermott said in a bad weather game, field position was very important. He was confident his defense could force a 3 and out and get the ball back with decent field position. Like I said, he makes an attempt to give an explanation - but what's Pagano's excuse
  11. The way I see it, McDermott will likely get at least 3 more years, if not all 4. Here's why: 1 - Pegulas have will have gone through 3 coaches since taking over. I know they don't want to be known as owners that don't give coaches a shot Plus I know Terry informally speaks with oldtime NFL coaches and GM's (Bill Polian for example) and they will encourage him to stay the course. 2 - McDermott has a ton of power around One Bills Drive. More than any coach has in a while and that's because Terry gave him that control. Again, I don't think Terry takes it away so suddenly 3 - Brandon Beane is the GM and he basically is tied to McDermott. IMO the two are a package deal. I can't see Terry firing one without the other. Only way I see a quick exit is two horrendous seasons 1-3 wins kind of bad. I'm sure both Beane and McDermott prepped Terry that this year could be rough since they are turning over the roster, so 2017 might actually be viewed as a success.
  12. I was listening the Bills post game coverage on WGR and an interesting question popped up. Toward the end of the game the Colts had worked together to kick snow off of the area that Vinitierri was getting ready to kick from. The question was brought up, could the Bills defenders have gone over and kicked the snow back onto the area they cleared without penalty. Honestly, I have no idea what the rules are in that situations. I suppose you could say it's like a player trying to sneak over in their opponent's huddle? But I don't know. It certainly is an interesting scenario which only plays out every few years. The hosts on WGR (the guys that come after Schoop and the Bulldog) seemed pretty young and didn't knpw what would happen. Curious is anyone know the official rule. Can a defense kick snow back on the spot opponents have cleared?
  13. Glad I'm not the only one that found it to be dumb. He punted with 4:00 minutes left in overtime. What could his logic have been? McDermott explained his logic, and while I think it's very flawed, he at least gave a half-assed explanation. I can't figure out what Pagano must have been thinking. When you punt with 4:00 left, there's a good chance you'll never the ball again. Even if you stop the Bills, you'll get the ball back with little time when kicking conditions were horrendous. What in the world was he thinking?
  14. Like Rex last year, I'm not sure if McDermott knew a tie is barely better than a loss when trying to make the playoffs
  15. Nope, I looked - no one gave a damn about it. Maybe that's where they are at with a 3-9 team
  16. I have to admit, I lost a lot of confidence in Sean McDermott today. While many fans were grilling him for benching Tyrod for Peterman, I understood why that move could have been made - although it was a very bad move in hindsight. Today, I felt his punt call was absolutely terrible. Honestly, it was worse that Rex's decision to punt vs. Miami last season and worse than some of the alarmingly conservative decisions to punt by Doug Marrone which literally cost the Bills some football games. It was a miracle that Joe Webb was able to bail the Bills out today and I hope that it doesn't reinforce McDermott's conservative mindset, because if it does, this organization's in trouble. But as bad as the call was on McDermott, I felt that Chuck Pagano's decision to punt right back was equally as bad. Yet, I have heard no one criticize the coach on that choice. Indianapolis is 3-9. Does it really make a difference if they tie rather than lose? Pagano is just going to fired anyway so who cares? Surprisingly, I haven't heard any criticism of Pagano or the Colts. If I am Jim Irsay, I would fire Pagano tomorrow
  17. My bad..it helps if you actually read the entire post!
  18. YES great example. He slipped my mind but I definitely should have added him to my life
  19. In my opinion, the answer is much more simple. The Bills as an organization continually empowered the wrong the people to make key decisions for the organization. Like him or not, it starts with Ralph WIlson. In my opinion, he's the reason for the drought. After the Tom Donahoe experiment failed, Ralph relied on people he knew, rather the best fir for the position. It extends to bad decisions for GM (Marv Levy, Russ Brandon, Buddy Nix, Doug Whaley) who hired bad coaches and made poor personnel decisions.
  20. I hear you - I think the loss of Polian was huge, but the staff that he assembled stayed in place after he left. The very talented roster he put together and football operation guys like John Butler and AJ Smith helped keep the team strong for years. I do have to defend Ralph on the Donahoe hire. At the time, it was being hailed as a great move by both fans, local media, and national media alike. He was an instrumental part of the Steelers success. We didn't know he'd be such a miserable control freak. He rightfully cut the cord with Donahoe, but the experience was so scary for Ralph he was hesitant to ever give someone outside the organization any power or control that he didn't have a personal relationship with. As I stated earlier, you can't deny that Ralph was not charitable or the fact the he never sold out the city. From a football owner standpoint he made a ton of mistakes and was not a good owner. This is why I'm conflicted.
  21. Was the movie more of a love letter about Ralph? Or was it a fair look at some of the mistakes he made as owner of the Bills. Because there have been many
  22. In the light of the new WNED documentary Ralph premiering soon, it got me thinking quite a bit about Ralph C. Wilson. Not sure how other fans feel about him, but personally I am torn. On one hand the Bills fans have to love Ralph’s dedication to keeping the franchise in Buffalo. If he was greedy, he had multiple chances to relocate or could have sold the franchise years earlier. Instead, he appeared to be dedicated to keeping the team in Buffalo. I always got the impression that his wife, Russ Brandon, and Littman would never sell the team to someone with intentions of relocating. If it wasn’t for RCW, we wouldn’t have a team in Western, NY. For that we should all be grateful to him. On the other hand however, I think Ralph is the biggest reason for the Buffalo Bills near 20 year drought. Folks, from a football perspective Ralph made some TERRIBLE TERRIBLE decisions that crippled the franchise. At least in the 30 years that I’ve been following the team. IMO he made many poor decisions each of which are rooted in the losing culture of this franchise. There’s many examples of where Ralph’s rash decisions, greatly hurt the football organization: Firing Bill Polian Demanding Rob Johnson start over Doug Flutie Firing Wade Phillips for not firing Ronnie Jones Firing John Butler (though I think Butler was hell-bent on leaving) These moves were all killers and in most cases, they could have been avoided. But I think that Ralph’s worst work came after he hired Tom Donahoe as GM and president. The hiring itself wasn’t a bad choice. On paper, we had reason to be excited with Donahoe as GM. But it turned out to be a disaster and it would mark the last time that Ralph would look outside the organization for anyone in a position of power. He also was notoriously cheap. Not on players - we all know what kind of deals he gave out to players in Free Agency. But he appeared to be reluctant in paying for GM's, coaches, scouting departments etc. Ralph’s biggest mistake was empowering the wrong individuals to make football decisions within the franchise. - Hiring Marv Levy as GM - Marv was a great coach but way too old to be an effective GM. As a result Marv, Dick Jauron, and Tom Modrak ran all drafts and personnel decisions. The results were disastrous - Empowering Russ Brandon as acting GM and not hiring a real GM - again a terrible decision that hurt the franchise for years to come - Naming Buddy Nix as GM - again Ralph was to scared to hire someone outside the organization, so he turned to Buddy who previously worked for the Bills. His tenure as GM was largely unsuccessful and terrible. - Promoting Doug Whaley as GM. Yet another mistake So while I am looking forward to the Ralph documentary, I’m hoping it’s a balanced look at his life. Like I said, I'm grateful for his dedication to keeping the team in Buffalo, but I think his poor decisions in the past have ramifications that we still feel today. Just my 2 cents
  23. I hate to burst your bubble, but Doug Whaley ran very very lousy draft. He ran three drafts which netted ZERO Pro Bowl players. You can't do that in the NFL - that's how you get fired and that is the primary reason why Doug was fired. Good riddance.
  24. Oh yeah it was 1992, opening day fresh off of the Super Bowl 26 appearance. The Bills took on the LA Rams and it was a bloodbath. An absolutely gorgeous day in a packed house and a great Bills win
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