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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Yeah, really. Let’s move on from the malcontent. He’s clown shoes.
  2. I tried paintball for the first time a few years ago. My buddy and I have never played before. Before we started we both shot each other so we could get the first one out of the way, and to get an idea of what we were in store for. Not sure if that answers anything, what was the question again..?
  3. All-star sandlot football, boys. Fastest one blue car to yellow truck in the neighborhood. My hands were known and discussed three counties over. The younger kids made football cards of me, you could trade it for a Joe Montana rookie back then. If only I could get my hands on one now. Early retirement, boys.
  4. Old narrative? It was exactly what happened. I saw it with my own eyes. Kid looked pretty good as a rook. If you don’t agree that’s your call, but you’re not changing my opinion because you decide to post with randomly inserted capital letters. Also, you might want to look into what an excuse means. No one’s making excuses. He didn’t look good against the Jags. That’s the truth, but that doesn’t change that he was decent in his RoOkIE YeAr!
  5. There’s a lot going on in here. He seemed pretty good as a rookie. He had some bad plays, but he also had some very good ones. I’ve liked Benford from the jump. But I didn’t see anything from Elam that made me think he couldn’t become a serviceable starter. This started when Mcd took the reins, I’m not saying Mcd is doing anything wrong, I like his D very much. But sometimes coaching styles and players don’t jive. That’s what I’m seeing here, imo. Whatever the reason Frazier had him looking like a promising rookie. Under Mcd he’s looking like the opposite. Maybe a swap of young cb’s not living up to their potential at the trade deadline? Worked with Hughes.
  6. Like when he’s old? Why in the world would anyone put a good starting cornerback at the safety position? Not to mention, there’s more money at corner, if we tried cramming him back there when he’s proven to do the job at CB he’ll definitely take a walk when it’s time to pay him.
  7. Yeah, you can say what you want, and I can tell you how I feel about it. You just remind me of one of those Debbie downers that can’t be happy with anything. It’s always, “yeah, but we coulda did this too…” or “yeah, but we should’ve done this too…” it’s no way to live imo, but hey, you do you, bud. And I’ll continue to comment on it, cool bud?
  8. Okay, so when people are talking about things they’re jazzed about (and you should be jazzed about as well) you think about missed opportunities? Still not great, bud. Do you do that in real life too, or just on message boards?
  9. Okay, so if a post just has the word “draft” in it, positive thread or not, your thoughts go directly to the negative? That’s not great, bud.
  10. So… this thread is pointing out how well the offensive line has been playing, and how our 2nd round pick looks like an absolute stud and you’re talking about how we missed on our third round pick? 🤦‍♂️ Remember… just a few weeks ago more people than not said our last third round pick was a giant fail. How has that worked out?
  11. I can get down with that. But idk, if we’re going that route I think I’d make Josh Superman. He’d be a great Supes and Clark Kent.
  12. They were never in the dark. If Diggs in a Robin costume doesn’t send electricity coursing through your skin, you need to check that pulse, brother!
  13. So it should probably go to Mahomes and Kelce, but Robin can’t be taller than Batman, I’m sorry. Diggs and Allen. Diggs would rock the $#|t out of a Robin costume.
  14. Tough day? There weren’t many yards to gain on the ground, so he got them in the air along with his TD. He had more yards than anyone not named Diggs. How is that a tough day?
  15. I noticed today they’re saying when they get their injured players back it will be another story. Okay, well they weren’t saying that pre-game. They were going to stomp us as-is. What they seem to be forgetting is we got to Tua without Von. They get players back, but so do we (Von & Poyer). Outside of Tre, that one hurts. I’m hoping we can do something in that regard before the trade deadline. Also, maybe Elam will step up? Idk.
  16. I disagree with this. I see very reasonable expectations here. They’re high on giggle juice like they are every year after a few wins. They’ve been saying this for our match-ups every season for the last three. That’s not to say they can’t be right this time, but yeah, you keep saying it you’re going to be proven right eventually. I just hope it’s not this year, I’d really like to go out there and punch them right in the mouth. Repeatedly if at all possible. I want to be able to read their threads on Monday with my morning coffee. If we lose I won’t be visiting the site. Though they’ll probably just be blaming the refs anyhow, they’re already using the ref excuse before the game began.
  17. Like I said, i like Diggs, but many times where there’s smoke there’s fire and there’s been a bit of smoke. If something was forced on us, I’m saying Adams would be a guy I wouldn’t be bummed about sliding in.
  18. Let me start by saying I love me some Diggs. But I’d consider a multi-team trade or swap straight up that includes him. It might just be all of the off-season chatter. But Diggs seems unhappy to me. He just seems bummed, even when he makes a play. Maybe it’s in my head, but if he does want out, Adams makes a lot of sense. Don’t see Diggs wanting to go to the Raiders which is why I think a multi-team trade would make more sense.
  19. Right? Who’s going to decline Takeo taking a spot in one of their suites! Also, it should be pretty common knowledge they’re building a new stadium as we speak. So the whole thing is kinda silly imo.
  20. Everyone’s expecting a big time shoot-out so I’m thinking it’ll be a low scoring affair. 7-3 at halftime.
  21. I’ve had a strong disliking for the traveling Pittsburgh fans since the original winter classic. Just a bunch of grossy grossersons.
  22. I think it’s just that he likes complaining. But he said he won’t even consider what’s out there until the Bills pay him millions to do it. So unfortunately I don’t think you’re going to get an answer to your question. Even though it’s easy, the right answer is “yeah, you’re right. This situation makes sense. He knows the system and doesn’t break the bank.”
  23. I think your example is a bit over simplified and more situational than you’re painting it to be. I was born and raised in Cheektowaga. Moved away starting at 17 to GA. Then moved back and lived pretty much everywhere you can in the Buffalo area and surrounding suburbs. Had a short stint in AK, finally settled in MD for 12 years before eventually moving about an hour from Buffalo a few years back. Diverse crowds are typically younger college kids. Same as most cities. My friends in Baltimore were from all over the world, save for one towner group from Baltimore that did refer to me as “the guy from Buffalo” but that was a time and place thing. I can guarantee you at that same time there were 30-40 somethings in MD and Tampa that went to their version of Cole’s from their younger years. Just as you could go to the UB campus & bars now and see people from all walk of life. The good thing is you have lots of options, if your Cole’s pals aren’t doing it for you, there are people your age that enjoy the same things you do and would refer to you as just John. You just have to find them, same as any city with human beings living in it. This isn’t a specific city thing you’re describing, it’s a human being thing. Even now living an hour from Buffalo, I’m being described as the guy from Buffalo, but that’s because I’m meeting people that aren’t transplants. Being a transplant is a different experience, but I don’t see it as the towners are doing anything wrong , they’re doing what they like. And that’s what everyone should find for themselves. If your current situation isn’t that. You need to find it, and I have total faith you can do that in Buffalo or any city you find yourself in.
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