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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. Childish reasons? Do you click links about the Kardashians or the cast of Jersey Shore to hear their take? Id bet, no. Why? Because you don’t care! Jerry had his time and now it’s over. Most of us are happy and have moved on. Obviously he, and you, haven’t. That’s really a Sully and Rush problem. Not ours. Give ol’ Jer a message for us. “We don’t care. Bye.”
  2. I actually don’t even mind smug. It’s one of my favorite traits in a villain. A good villain should also be well nuanced and have a redeemable quality. . Two things Sully didn’t have/or didn’t care to bother with in his last years. Much like an onion, there should be many layers. Sully had one. And no one likes one layer.
  3. Controlling the media? Like it’s life changing politics or something? No. It’s entertainment. The Pegulas own a product. Obviously they don’t want people bashing it. Thats not why the Buffalo news is where it is. At least the sports section. It became lame, lazy schtick. Anything but entertaining. Which if you truly think about it is ridiculous. People are obviously reading because they mostly like sports and their team. A daily opinion column telling you why it’s garbage even when the team is winning? Honestly, I think the Bills getting to the playoffs was the worst thing for Sully it showed even when they do well he bashes and criticizes. It was obvious to anyone paying attention it’s all he really knew how to do at that point.
  4. You keep saying this like him admitting that he took the extremist view EVERY TIME is acceptable. Sure columnists do it, on tmz, and yahoo articles. It was the easy way, the lazy way, it was the low hanging fruit that riled up the knuckle clickers. I’d like to hear him admit that we deserved better. You say it like its acceptable because he did he did it so long. I think it’s nearly unforgivable because he did it so long. Just because you get away with something doesn’t make it ok, or prove that you do it well, it could just mean someone else is poor at doing their job as well.
  5. We just restructured him and he again held out instead of talking to the guys that JUST restructured him. Look, I get it, he’s amazing, but you can’t be a bad team and be held hostage by your LT every offseason. You have other needs and other worries at that point. He wanted out, we couldn’t take the headache. Got a first round pick from an undrafted TE. Not terrible.
  6. Alright fine, I’m an open minded guy. If you tell me that in that interview he admits he kind of called it in the last few years (because that’s exactly what going the extremist route EVERY TIME is) and promises given another chance he would do better, I’ll listen. Otherwise, no. If he doesn’t realize he became the equivalent of the Sun on the BN (I mean how many times do you want to hear about a batboy sighting?) then I don’t need to hear it. I dont always love the opinions of other humans but If your sole purpose in life is riling up the lowest common denominator I really have no interest in you or what you have to say (JS).
  7. It’s kind of funny that someone known so well for undervaluing the team he was covering is trying oh so hard to overvalue himself. Im sorry, but the guys act was old and tired. He wasn’t a reporter that looks at a story objectively and says how can I get this to the people. He looked at a story and said how many people can I piss off with this story. It became as boring as losing for 17 years. Its not creative. It’s a tired Schtick. So much so, I don’t have to listen to it to know exactly what he’ll say. Jog on, Jer.
  8. I don’t get why he can’t just go away. It’s like the wife/husband that won’t just jog on after the divorce. Jer, we had our time. We’re just not into anymore. Move on, bud.
  9. Man, I’m so glad I don’t have to watch with any of you guys. You’d kill my buzz. Bunch of downers. As for the topic of the thread, hand off to Shady, a little slide and tickle and he gains six to the right.
  10. I’m super excited. I always get excited in the beginning of the year regardless of what the “experts” say. They were dead wrong last year, hope that trend continues.
  11. I don’t have to try to like the Bills play football. Maybe if you do, you’re spending your time in the wrong hobby?
  12. How about we just watch the games and try to enjoy ourselves. Let the rest work itself out. Its entertainment, it’s supposed to be fun. When did people stop having fun and start stressing and overthinking it? It’s exhausting.
  13. Don’t waste your time. I’ve been trying to say it all week. He’s a twenty something year old kid trying his best for our team, clearly wins the qb battle, and his own fanbase calls his names and bashes him. Grown adults. Its really gross.
  14. Not exactly going out on a huge limb. Weird but that almost sounds like you’re actively rooting against a player on your team from succeeding. This fanbase.
  15. Yes, and, oh yeah, the most important part, not having his head slapped against the ground and becoming shell shocked in one year because the oline can’t protect him because he’s raw and holds the ball too long!!
  16. Easily our best shot at beating the Ravens. After seeing Allen against the Bengals, T-sizzle would have eaten him alive. Thats not a knock on Allen, the kid did better than I was actually expecting in preseason. But he needs time, that was always the plan. But fans be fans.
  17. I dont think so. I think the two first rounders and the 23.5 mil cost us Mack. I wanted Mack too, but that’s just too much when we need wide receivers and an entire oline. We dont even know what’s going to happen to Benjamin. We might need a #1, and #2 next year.
  18. I know you’re just snarkily trying to prove a fun point, but you do really think this post will still be funny 16 games from now, right? Right?!
  19. “Big guy”, “hot shot”, ish is getting cray in here!
  20. Nice try, but no, the thread you posted still had “what if” as the title... as much as you’d like to deny it your rock solid board cred has taken a hit today. Beware, like sharks, board members can smell blood in the water from miles away!
  21. How so? The thread is accurately titled and gives the reader important info, letting him/her decide if they’d like to know more. If you had it your way people would have to go to a what if thread on a whim, and somehow make it all the way to the end of the 30 pages of opinions to find out tha Gillislee was cut. Do we have to keep checking the draft day thread to find out if Allen is starting because he was mentioned in that one? New info, deserves new threads.
  22. That’s “if gillislee is cut”, this thread is Gillislee has been cut. Relax, you take this way too seriously.
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