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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. I don’t agree. I’m probably what you’d consider an “old guy” and I bought the new one mostly because if the Allen cover. I’m surprised how fun I find it. I exclusively play MUT. New challenges and cards every week. It keeps it fun and engaging. Sure, there are people that take it too seriously and spend $100’s on packs, which is why I keep it to solo games and challenges. For what I use it for, I’m definitely getting my moneys worth out of it.
  2. The kimono and matching shorts are beauts. Might buy those and wear the combo for the next draft I host.
  3. Sheesh… when can I expect the ‘save the date’ in the mail?
  4. That’s funny, sounds like I had the same kind of day as you except that was the only play I did remember.
  5. I believe that’s using the really bad, amped Josh games as evidence that he can’t play that way. Josh is really in his head right now and I have zero doubt a lot of that is Mcdermott being in his ear telling him he has to trust HIS process. There has to be a happy medium, and as much as I disliked a lot of what Daboll did, it’s clear he pushed back against Mcd and that’s why their relationship is as frosty as it is. Mcd wants things done his way.
  6. People are starting to pile on Josh. Not just the fans but analysts, etc. too. Not saying it’s not warranted in some respects but it’s a far cry from the love fest he’s received the last five years. He seems to be in a weird headspace with the low positive or whatever it is stuff he’s trying out. We already know he’s an emotional guy on account of how amped we’ve seen him get in the past. I’m hoping he keeps that mindset of being able to take criticism and work on himself and doesn’t let all of it affect him negatively. Wether it’s fair or not, the team goes as Josh goes, and for the most part Bills fans love him. My worry is that one day enough will be enough and he goes the Beasley route of us vs. them (Bills fans included in the them). I’d hate that if we ever did win it all it would be more in spite of us than for us. Again, I completely understand that in many cases it’s warranted, but he’s still young and we have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes with coaches, players, etc. I know right now it’s hard to be grateful and supportive, but the kid has given this team something we haven’t had in decades and he’s having a rough patch. This is a down year, many excuses to go around. But you know, no one feels it more than him. I believe he can right the ship, just might not be this season.
  7. I think that’s a big part of it. They all picked the Bills to win it all and when they didn’t, they were all proven wrong. Now they want nothing to do with them. I do get that though. They spend a few years singing their praises week after week and they fall short in the end. It causes a little burn-out. Heck, even I found myself a little disenchanted with the Bills and they’re my team. Could you imagine not being a fan? It’s gotta be like, okay, here they are again playing well in the regular season, and this year we’re not even playing all that well.
  8. Well… that takes care of my two biggest worries. It’s a bummer that Milano is out, but we were going into the season thinking lber was our biggest weakness anyway. Luckily Bernard turned out to be much better than we thought, so it’s basically like the start of the season. One good lber. Every team has a weakness, and at least we expected this one, though not the position we expected.
  9. I don’t know that it’s really that we won. I think it’s two teams needing to do different things because their clubs are in different spots. I’m very happy with the deal, and Packers fans do seem bummed, but, if they were being honest with themselves, the 3rd and money savings will be better for the long run. The Packers realistically have no shot at competing for anything meaningful during the years Douglas was signed for. Win-win.
  10. Yup. They’re just sad their team stinks.
  11. I’m sure he’d love to take a swing. Everything has to make sense. I’m hoping he can make sense of it.
  12. Bears just traded for Sweat, who now has all the leverage for a new contract. They will be very motivated to move this guy, though they’re going to have many suitors.
  13. Beane better be in the secret laboratory with his sleeves rolled up and empty Mountain Dew bottles around him or I’m done with this team. My next step is a “I’m leaving the boards forever!” thread. Maybe that’ll get their attention!
  14. I wrote to the Bills to pick him up like three times with no response. Anyone have a direct line? Can’t find anything on Google!
  15. That and sometimes they wouldn’t listen anyway. They’re just waiting for you to stop talking so they can talk again. I used to like debating when I was younger. Now once I realize the person is incapable of listening or understanding I bow out. Not enough time on this planet for that type of shenanigans. One of the reasons I refuse to debate certain topics ie religion, politics, etc. they don’t want to hear a counter to their points. It’s rare to find someone that disagrees with you that will actually listen and discuss hot buttons.
  16. I mean, to be fair there are probably lots of calls made and no one ever hears about them. It shouldn’t make him look anyway, because the info shouldn’t have been shared to begin with. Unless this was shared by the Bills to let the fans know they’re doing everything they can without actually having to do anything but make a phone call.
  17. Josh was already kind of a head case. This was the last thing I wanted to read about him. The more he starts trying to fine tune his thinking the more he’ll be, well… thinking. We want Josh to think, but not be so in his head about it it starts him overthinking. Once you get caught in that cycle, things slow down, and start to take away from the things that made you special to begin with. The next cycle will be him trying to get back to not thinking so much, that will lead to mistakes and more overthinking and he’ll try to think more. Oof… this is not good. I believe he and the coaching staff need to start considering this is a bit of a lost season. Let him go out there and just doing it until he finds himself again. He needs a hard reboot.
  18. I don’t love it. But we have to do something.
  19. I think the issue is so beyond pointing out every single time it happens. We have an elite qb, we will live AND die with his play. Many have said he’s our Brett Favre. Simple, but very true. He’s a better Brett, don’t get me wrong. But he’s going to make mistakes and he’s going to have rotten games. Buckle up, this is our QB. Unfortunately, we had a lot of injuries, and those injuries have been to key players. Not many teams can take that kind of a lumping and keep going. For me, this season is not looking good. We lost last year when Von went out imo, and this year we lost when Tre, Milano, and Jones went out. Bums me out, but what can you do? We still have Josh in his prime. But things are only going to get more difficult as teams have definitely caught up. I also don’t feel good about Diggs going forward. I can’t see him being cool with a very bad season. Which this is a starting to look like.
  20. None of that, eww… I made some five alarm faux beef chili!
  21. Especially since Gabe has shown he can come up big in big spots. I don’t trust any of those guys over Gabe in the playoffs.
  22. I completely disagree with this. I think BB lives by his own set of codes and ethics, and it’s all about what will help him win at the end of the day. He’s not above cheating or gaining any edge, which he’s proven year in and year out. If he thinks tanking to get his guy is the way to go, you’d better believe he’d do it.
  23. Ouch. So… are we friends or what?
  24. Yeah, but do you agree about the malcontent part?
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