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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. And in my opinion HN is better. Fun how opinions work, right?
  2. Overrated. Hebrew nationals are better grillers than those.
  3. Well considering I’m in possession of what many would consider the sweet spot of chromosomes I can answer this with relative ease. Better off dead. But c’mon, if you’re going to test my 80’s comedy chops at least make it a tough one. My turn, original Vacation, or Fletch?
  4. With all due respect to Mr. D’Arcy, that’s straight up sacrilege dismissing Stan Gable like that. Gable is easily top three of the nerd bullying jock archetype of the 80’s. First obviously being Johnny Lawrence of the cobra kai. Maybe top five since Ogre has to be up there too.
  5. What is the guardian? Some sort of sabretoothed lowland gorilla made from clay like a golem? Actually, you can’t get much more New York than that. I’m in.
  6. You made his point for him. If we NEEDED a great receiver so badly we should have taken that in the first. Or signed, or traded for one. You dont expect a 2nd round receiver to be THE guy.
  7. 30?! That’s super weak. There are 26 starters listed. You couldn’t get more than 4 more correct? Billz n00b
  8. Irl response: “hear about that thing?” “Yeah!” “Crazy right?” “Weather was nice tho.” *all nod head in agreement*
  9. Ahh... the old i’d rather tell others how their choices are bad than actually put myself out there and make a pick of my own post. What’s wrong, you’re too scared you’ll be wrong? Hard to have an opinion of your own?
  10. Chris Burkett. I had his starting lineup. Harmon has one from that year too.
  11. I did try warning you you’d be wasting your time with this one. Also, Yuengling is disgusting. If it’s a choice between yuengs or blue moon, I’m going home. Taste is subjective, what?!
  12. You don’t have corny commercials where you come from? Obviously you’ve never seen much local television from other cities/states. Ngata and Tucker royal farm commercials come to mind for me. Talk about cringe factor.
  13. You’re wasting your time with this one. All his posts are about beer drinking. I get some humans find it important to feel better than others, but I always found it pretty weak when that thing was their beer preference. Nothing fun or important, not a rad hobby others can also enjoy. No, he prefers “better” beer. The world should swoon. He reminds me if the type that brings a fancy four pack or sixer to a party. Quickly runs out and starts dipping into house beers complaining the entire time. He thinks this is impressive but really he’s just showing how cheap he is that he could have bought few more beers of his preferred variety. “But my beers cost more!” He’ll say. No, your fancy sixer cost $10-$15. Same as some “blue collar” twelve packs. And now we’ll have to buy more because you’re inconveniencing us by drinking some of ours. Now you’re cheap and a poor planner. Here have some pretzels. “But it’s wegmans! I only eat Snyder’s of Hanover!”
  14. He still looks better than most schlubs you see walking around the world. If he’s unhealthy there then over 98% of the population is unhealthy. Being beach muscled doesn’t automatically mean you’re healthy. As a matter of fact I bet his back and body are much happier now without the unnatural forced weight and strenuous exercise.
  15. I think this is a silly thing to make a thread over. Is Beebe legendary? Had some legendary moments. I bet some people consider him to be so what’s the problem? You and your sensibilities couldn’t let this great injustice go unchecked? God forbid someone considered a FOOTBALL player legendary and you didn’t agree with the words to describe him. Gross.
  16. This is like the most non-memorable 4th grade field trip ever. Gross. Sorry Rooks. This a boring look for Buffalo.
  17. You see, this is where being smart and having above average reading comprehension come in. I’ll be very clear so you’ll be able to follow this time. What i said was, I liked Gronk, then he did what he did and now I think he’s a garbage person. Point one. A perfectly valid response to the topic at hand. Separate point, maybe that’s too harsh but I don’t care enough to waste any amount of introspective thought on it. Fair enough to any any reasonable/ rational human being. I understand that doesn’t fit the funny little narrative you guys have going focusing on the one point but hey, I’m sure it’s rare you get much validation outside of this site, so I’d really hate the truth to stand in the way of your fun. So please, carry on. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to shoot fish in a barrel. I mean, you guys are more like stationary fish that just sit in one really unfunny position, but I’ll take what I can get.
  18. I love when three geeks get together and like each others comments. I bet it makes them feel really cool and popular for a hot minute. ZOMG! I’m being so funny, I’m posting something similar to that other guys post so I must be right! I used to like Gronk. Now he’s garbage. It’s not worth my time to delve any deeper than that. Ill go with my gut in this one, feel free to play comment soggy bread all over my post. You guys seem to really enjoy that. Oh and btw, Gronk would bully you and call you names behind your back. Guaranteed.
  19. No. This is the wrong way to look at it. In every relationship people have interests their significant others don’t share. The way way I see it I’d prefer to be with someone that doesn’t like sports. I like my Bills time. Either alone, or with buds. That would change dramatically if she liked it too. No thanks. If your wife doesn’t allow you to watch sports because she doesn’t like it. That’s not a her problem, that’s a you problem. Grow up, and find a women to be in an adult relationship with.
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