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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. I don’t think it’s that puzzling honestly. At the risk of coming off as sour grapes our greatest strength was completely washed away by the Chiefs being allowed to hold our receivers all game with “sticky” coverage. The refs decided that wasn’t going to fly in the super bowl and the Chiefs were completely outmatched. Im not saying we’d definitely win with all things being even but if you’re allowed to take away a teams greatest strength the odds are it’s not going to be pretty.
  2. I mean, to be fair you asked a fan of a rival team. Try and see it from his side, you’re staring down the barrel of potentially having another perennial mvp candidate in the East after you just got rid of the goat. You’re going to hope it was a flash in the pan and your opinion will most likely reflect that bias. I’m sure all of us can be tried for the same crime. Tua looked lost to me, don’t see the it factor. I don’t think he’s a franchise guy. Wilson’s just going to be the next in the qb carousel of failure. Jets gonna jet. Sure the Patriots look much better on paper, but they still have Cam, will all of those players gel? We’re hoping Josh continues to grow and get better, east rivals hope it was a fluke and he regresses. No mystery here.
  3. Because we have lots of high end talent that is going to account for most of our cap. Allen’s contract is going to be a big deal. We’re going to need to hit on a lot of picks for some of our good talent to not all be on big money deals. It’s what you have to do when you have your franchise guy. It may not seem like a big deal right now, but it will in two or three years down the road when a bunch of our guys will want a raise and we’re already paying Allen the mega bucks. Luckily Beane seems to understand that and won’t allow us to get into a terrible cap situation. But it’ll make for some very boring free agency’s down the line. The draft is a crapshoot no no matter where you’re picking. It would probably Najee more sense to trade down in the draft and have a better shot getting a few guys that might hit.
  4. I’d agree with that. I’m not all that high on Edmunds and certainly don’t want to pay him the big bucks he’ll be looking for. But teams dont typically trade their starting mlb for peanuts with no plan to fill the position. At this point it would be ridiculous.
  5. Doesn’t seem like you hate to say it. Actually seems like you kind of enjoy saying it. Either way, you’re wrong. He’s not great, but also not terrible. Maybe you meant to say he’s not great? Lets say the Bills listened and traded him for anything. Who would you plug into the starting mlb spot that a.) we can afford, b.) is available, and c.) is better? If you dont have the answer you’re kinda just saying stuff to say stuff.
  6. I mean, sure, of course we’d be better. But you can say that about many players that are already in the league We’d be better with Mccaffrey, Mack, Gilmore, the list goes on and on. But it’s unrealistic to think we can get them just as it’s unrealistic to think we can move up far enough to get Pitts. Its like asking if the Bills would be happy if we were gifted a top ten pick. Sure, but it’s not going to happen. So, what’s the point? Inserting the question under the guise of “would this make us elite” is silly. The Bills are an elite offense, so would an unbelievable TE prospect make us more elite, sure. Not sure what that answer does for anyone but enjoy.
  7. I used to have a fun one I’d throw around occasionally but now I forget which qb it is. Basically, when Jason Peters came to the Bills he was a tight end. The qb in question threw his first ever nfl touchdown to him. I want to say Losman? Man, i know some people are still bummed about Peters leaving, but getting a first round pick for a converted TE is not bad. I know, I know he was an all-world tackle but dude held us hostage and wanted out.
  8. This is where I am. He makes enough plays to be a starter in this league, but he’s not someone you break the bank for. Like you, I just don’t love the idea of needing to find a starting mlb.
  9. I didn’t even realize we wore our throwbacks the one week until I watched the highlights later in the week. Didnt notice it at all during the game.
  10. That’s weird because when the Bills gave a one year deal to Brieda everyone said it 100% will affect how we draft. Ftr, I agree with you.
  11. Not only that, but I can do push-ups with Derrick Henry on my back. Creatine baby!!!
  12. Meh... this can go on forever. Neither of us are going to change the others opinion. Ill just end with this, the Chiefs took Clyde Edwards at 32 last year and I can guarantee no one in the Chiefs fandom or organization is second guessing that pick. You don’t want to draft a RB at 30, I wouldn’t mind it. Case closed.
  13. None. I’ve had zero interest in any rbs in the first round. I don’t this year either, I’m just saying I won’t feel angry if Beane decides he wants to go that route. At this point I trust him, and if he feels one of them are good enough to warrant the pick who are we to disagree? And yes, of course you made the reference to a kicker in the first round because you simply can’t move on from the schtick of referencing old school drafting philosophies to push your agenda. I answered your question, now let me ask you a question. How did you feel about drafting Bass? That went against conventional drafting wisdom. We got an F in almost every draft grade for it. I think it worked out excellently, especially since it was a need at the time and we didn’t have much else we needed to upgrade. Beane was open minded enough to forgo popular drafting standards and took his guy. I bet you’d be hard pressed to find anyone second guessing the choice now, but at the time was being questioned as foolish. If Beane ended up getting us a true game changer at pick 30 for five years, I bet you’d be hard pressed to find anyone arguing the choice. Again, this is pick 30, it’s not a top ten choice. If you can get a guy that can instantly upgrade, you do it regardless of position. That’s where we are now, draft picks will find it very hard to crack our starting roster. Now if the choice is a starting corner over a starting running back sure, but those tend to go a lot higher than 30. A running back may just be there. Welcome to a new era if Buffalo Bills football the days of picking top 15 and putting all your hope in a draftee to fill your gaping positional holes are a thing of the past.
  14. I don’t think you could be further from reality in this take. Gettleman is the exact opposite of an open minded fluid GM. Gettleman’s part of the old school, never trade a pick/player, draft a stand in the pocket prototypical qb type of guy. Im really not sure where your takes are coming from, you’re just kinda throwing names and old school draft rules around hoping something sticks. You obviously feel very strongly about not getting a rb in the first round, okay. I’d prefer other positions but if Beane thinks he’s getting a game changer at 30, I’m not complaining. You on the other hand will I guess. Congrats? Not really sure what’s left to say.
  15. We’re not talking about a pick in the top ten. It’s pick 30. If Beane and company believe they can get a true game changer at pick 30, I’m all for it. Unlike you, I’m open minded about all picks. You realize the board moves and changes based on picks made before yours, right? You’ve got to remain fluid and open while things are happening. Maybe you’re so used to being a fan of a team that has many needs that have to be filled. The Bills don’t have that problem. It will actually be very hard for a rookie to crack the starting lineup. So why not take the guy highest in your board? Id actually prefer going defense (possibly corner) but if Beane thinks he’s got the right guy, he won’t hear any complaints from me. All I’m saying is I’m glad Beane seems a little less rigid and myopic than some backseat gms in this thread.
  16. It’s good to see you don’t get too firmly entrenched into your own opinions and don’t mind seeing things from other people’s perspectives. Oh wait...
  17. Fair enough. I’m just all about bpa this year. It’s been so long since we can say it would be very hard for a draft pick to be a starter on this team. I trust our guys to make the right choices so if they feel that high on a guy I’m all in.
  18. I don’t get how people thinks this means we won’t draft a running back. It’s a one year deal, and as people have pointed out there are injury concerns. I like that we got him, but I think we’re set up perfectly for bpa in mostly all positions. If there’s a guy that the Bills really like at 30 I don’t think the Bills pass because of Brieda.
  19. I feel like the Bills did their best filling holes so that they can truly go bpa in the draft. I think if one of their top 2 running back choices are there at 30 they might go for it.
  20. We had one of the harder schedules last year and went 13-3. This year the schedule seemed to soften up a tad. I think we’ll be fine.
  21. We also have Ford coming back. I like the options. Feliciano was a good option for backup center and guard.
  22. To be fair, for like two decades there were only a handful of QBs that were worth a darn. We took our shots but they never really panned out. Many teams were having this issue, not just the Bills. Its not like it is now with all these new young guns coming in and playing really well. And it certainly want like it is now with the influx where every year it seems you can trade for or sign a pretty good one in free agency. Luckily, that seems to be behind us. Unfortunately, it seems many teams seem to have their guy. Would been nice to have a year or two as being one of only a handful of teams that had a good one.
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