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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. I mean, as much as anything else does it in the offseason. My question to you is why even open it and then go as far as to post in it if you don’t find it interesting? When you’re at a gathering or party do you find every conversation intriguing? If you don’t do you join the conversation just to tell them you don’t find it interesting? My guess is you don’t, which says to me you’d only do this sort of thing anonymously, which speaks very highly to your character. You could always start your own post/conversation. But something tells me you wouldn’t do that either, which also speaks to your character. See: character issues. The Bills probably wouldn’t take you within the first 5 rounds.
  2. What about Antonio Williams? He flashed pretty hard in that Dolphins game. Apparently he’s working very hard to make the most of his opportunities. Was Wade even active that game? I feel like that’s a big indicator on how they’ve feel about Wade vs. Williams.
  3. I’m actually happy with our game. I like starting the season at 1pm. Not to mention I bought tickets and can’t wait. That wouldn’t have been able to happen if we traveled to Tampa on a Thursday. As for the Cowboys, it’s about time people realize they’re not going anywhere. They can be absolutely terrible and they’ll still be hyped and talked about every week. They’re a big name, like it or not, they’ll always be a big name. The NFL loves casual fans and they will always try to find ways to get them to tune in.
  4. Wow. Guy puts in some serious work in the offseason and people are upset? He may never be the guy that everyone wants, but he’s trying his best to be the best he can be. It’s kinda gross seeing grown men bash a 20 something year old kid for trying to do the best he can for his/their team. Would you rather he just quits and listens to you guys and decides he’s not good enough? Where does that leave us for next year? Some folks here have a lot of growing up to do.
  5. You heard it here first, football games are hard. Glad we have a good team that should make every game at least interesting.
  6. Seems to me the Eagles tried playing hardball, saying they were fine with keeping him, etc. to get a better pick from the Bills. Bills got sick sick of waiting around and bidding against themselves and the Eagles were stick holding the 8.5 million dollar bag. Now they’ll get nothing. Problem is do the Bills even have enough to pay him if he is released? He’ll probably get a few looks. Though the Bills have to be pretty high on his list as I don’t see many multi year deals and at least with Allen he knows he’ll get his looks and could pad those stats for the next contract.
  7. Count me down as someone who isn’t affected whatsoever by players choosing different numbers than what was deemed appropriate traditionally. It’s on a whole new level of caring that I hope to never reach.
  8. You thumbs downin’ me, bro?! Imagine my surprise to wake up to a downed thumb on my post, only to find out it’s you? Imagine that for a second. Seriously, take a step back, close your eyes and imagine how that must have felt for me. Unbelievable. I need some time to unpack this. You owe me pal. And I’m talking grandiose gesture, none of that lame Valentine’s Day of 2013 nonsense.
  9. So teams got better after the draft and free agency? Cool. Guess we’ll see what’s what on the field.
  10. That’s the one. Kid made varsity as a freshman for the Eden Hall warriors.
  11. Definitely has to be “wrong Josh” but I came around very early into his rookie year.
  12. Kids from Edina Minnesota, same as Adam Banks. That’s gotta be good news!
  13. There’s no explanation needed. Beane said he was drafting for the future. Hughes is over the hill, and Addison is just okay. Both are young and versatile. How is there still questions?
  14. Dude’s 6’9. He should’ve chokeslammed a buddy through the table Undertaker style.
  15. I’d do it before the draft too. In hopes that these morons will make the right choice and get him some talent.
  16. I don’t agree with many in here. Rodgers has been very forgiving to this team. I’d be disgruntled too. Drafting like a bunch of buffoons, not making moves to help your offense via free agency, these are legitimate gripes. They’re wasting his best years, and a team that is a few players away from a super bowl. I actually think he’s played it pretty cool with all of this tomfoolery. Many would have said a lot harsher.
  17. Almost seems to me they made that trade to 3 too quickly. Once they got there didn’t really love the options left with Wilson almost being a sure thing to the Jets. Eesch... makes the trade even worse that they’re obviously not in love with anyone in particular.
  18. A first is downright scandalous. I think a more realistic situation is the Bills would like him for a 4th or 5th and the Eagles are trying to get a third for him. With his contract and injury history a 3rd is unreasonable. If Eagles fans are expecting a first they’ll be very disappointed if an actual deal does get done.
  19. I think an even larger factor was that KCs corners were literally holding our receivers every play. Just basically had carte blanche to take away our greatest strength. Refs didn't allow it in the super bowl and they were completely outmatched. Hopefully they don't allow that "sticky" coverage to continue next season. I know that comes off sour grapes-ish but they looked completely different as a team when they were getting penalties for doing exactly what they did to us all game. KC fans were completely blown away that those calls were being made. Which just goes to show they’ve been getting away with it all season.
  20. I didn’t read the article but then again I didn’t have to. I know the arguments from both sides. I can cherry pick some articles too, I don’t magically believe people will change their opinions based on one point of view. Football is the ultimate team game, but there are outliers. There are players that can take a good team and make them great. I’m not saying these running backs are those players, but I trust Beane to know that. And if he wants one of those guys I’m on board. Though im on board with pretty much any pick outside of kickers and qb so I dont know how much weight that carries. What I do know is that every year there are first round picks that bust and there’s no getting around that. But I like that we’re in a position to take a guy we feel excellent about regardless of position instead of reaching for a guy with question marks hoping to fill a position of immediate need.
  21. I get it if we’re picking top ten, heck even top 25, but the 30th pick is basically a second rounder. I’d prefer going corner or edge but if Beane absolutely falls in love with one of the running backs I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. Sure, running backs have lost a little steam. But if you can get a truly good one it’s a serious game changer and would open up so many opportunities for Josh. No one is second guessing Clyde Edwards in Kansas City and I think we’re very similar to that Chiefs team in terms of its going to be very difficult for a rookie to crack the starting lineup. One of the things i like about this draft is that we’re not pigeon holed by “needing” any position in particular. It’s a refreshing change and I’m relishing the fact that we can actually afford to take the bpa. Do I think we’d like to fill some positions more than others? Sure, but we can actually trust our scouting and take a guy we feel great about as opposed to someone we feel lukewarm about. Ftr, I want Farley and Samuel jr more than either of the running backs. But again, I won’t lose any sleep if they go Harris or Etienne. And dare I say, I might be a little excited about it.
  22. This is exactly it. I don’t understand how people think signing a one year vet changes anything draft wise. When you’re in the position the Bills are in you draft whomever you believe can be a long term starter, regardless of position. When you have to pay your franchise qb you need talented players holding down spots on low contracts. It’s how you stay viable long term. Blows my mind when people think signing a one year vet, for depth most likely would change anything in their long term plans. Just glad our GM doesn’t seem to share these myopic hot takes.
  23. I mean, some of Allen’s zings are too hot for receivers to catch them. Not really worried about the opposing corners. Wonder how many tds were dropped? I remember a few off the top of my head. Also makes me wonder what kind’ve balls we’re talking here, right in the hands, or would it have been a great catch? Non story imo.
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