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Everything posted by Jerome007

  1. If there was a disaster, we expected Drew Brees to do his magic and throw for 300+ yards, no pass rush to trouble him, etc. NOT the Saints to simply run down the middle and gain almost a 1st down every run! Worse beating I've seen the Bills take since 07. Their run D had been a strength till the Jets game.
  2. There has been worse losses in term of implications, dashed hopes and the likes. But nope, I don't remember a worse home loss! That was baaaaaaaaaaaddd And unexpected in how it happened. We all know Drew Brees is a force, and pass rush had been suspect, but who thought the Bills D would be ran down the gut all day? That was atrocious. From preseason till the Jets game, few teams could amount any real run game against the Bills D. That was the strength and nice surprise of the year, even moreso than the takeaways. Now they looked like they didn't belonged in there and got run over. WTH happened out there?
  3. Exactly! If the Bills are to make the playoffs and hopefully win some, they have to beat contenders, simple as that. Why the overall pessimism AGAIN? Sure the Saints offense can blow up the Bills today. Odds slightly favor them to win IMO. But remember the packers and other "supposedly better teams" the Bills beat in the last 3 years? And according to the "experts" the Saints have performed - like the Bills - beyond what was expected. The six straight wins give them an aura but they have just one more win than the Bills so far this year!
  4. As mentioned by a few posters, this concussion issue dries out the talent pool at the high school level. I will affect the NFL at some point. Yet, there will still be enough players. If the NFL was half as popular as now it'd still be pretty damn big! But yeah, all this have made me wary of letting my kids play the game. When 15-16+ they can do what they want. In my area, there is a sort of rough flag football with blocking, with full equipment, no kicking game, which I think is a great alternative for 8-14 yo. Football without some blocking just ain't football. But IMO kids shouldn't play full contact till much later in life so I like this new approach. New helmets, new tackling techniques, rules to protect "defenseless receiver" have all been positive steps. With all the KOs and injuries still in the game, I cringe at the "pussification of the game" comments. Because there are no blatant head shots allowed anymore the game has gone soft? Really? Go on and run the ball straight up the middle then , tough guys.
  5. I had seen similar threads in other forums at the time he was injured, and the "video evidence" they provided was totally stupid. The O-Line struggled before and since, and in any case, the plays presented as "proof" were not conclusive at all. And just recall how the team went hard to defend him after a questionable hit, and Lynch got his one-game suspension. So while it COULD be possible, maybe from a few players, I highly doubt it, and it's just noise. But this issue sure drags on and on, as it was easy to predict it would, as it's so open-ended. When/what has to happen for it to stop, for the complainers to be satisfied? There is no set goal post here. Nobody's keeping any score. No definite goal in site but "justice" according to their own definition of it.
  6. The difference between winning and losing are slim. Last year, with REX RYAN at the helm, throw in a few challenges done, 11 men on the field in overtime, and some made field goals, and the Bills were in the Playoffs. This year the Pats got two gifts: one by the refs against the Jets and the other with the Bucs' kicker. Are they just lucky then? They could be 4-4! It is very possible the Bills miss out again this year, BUT, I can't stand the attitude of conceding the Pats the 2 games before even playing them! Nor the defeatism. Bills have many lingering issues. They lack depth. Take away Shady and ouch. But reading some posts here, it's like the other teams have all great depth, their QBs never throw bad passes, their coaches are always perfect, they can all withstand the injury bug. Get real. Last game was scary though. NOT the fumbles and such that can sometimes happen, but the fact the Jets basically conceded short outs and slant passes in the middle and put 5-6 guys on the line to stop the run and keep TT from running. It's easy to beat such a scheme in theory, but while I'm big Tyrod supporter, these short outs and over the middle short-medium passes have been his weaknesses so will the Saints and other teams do the 5-6 men front till the Bills show they can beat it? Thankfully they had 10 days to adjust but still...
  7. Same here! Well actually, I did try to register a couple of times in the past but it seems as I was from the Montreal area I wasn't let in. Glad to be here. Fan since 1994 and went to 7 games (6-1!). This site has always been my go-to-site for Bills news!
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