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Everything posted by Jerome007

  1. I've seen a college guy throw a perfect and very mean uppercut. THAT make senses. Hitting the helmet, not so much. Face mask grabbing fights look like two (very large and very strong) girls pulling each other's hair.
  2. My 11 yo kid thought the same as in the original post... I didn't. Sure in a regular season game I'd be foaming at the mouth. Hell, even if they did win the Snow Game last year, that late punt in OT when a victory was needed still has a bad taste in my mouth. But come on, it's preseason, reducing injuries,. evaluating special teams players, and on and on, are surely the reasons. Though, it would have been nice to have a journalist ask him in the after game press conference, just to see what indeed was his thought process.
  3. I watched some of Mayfield's play, and the dude is already savvy and a leader. Doesn't look anything special physically but that matters little for some very successful QBs. I'm still buzzing from Allen's performance though. And all 3 QB plays. And AT LAST, some creativity on offense, which you don't even expect in preseason.
  4. Good post Shaw66 and JohnC! But just think about this: when was the last time we were that excited for a preseason game? I can tell for me: never. In the last 10 years, the most excited I've been by far is of course that 4th & 12 by Dalton Before that, it was the first game of the TT/Rex Ryan era. We had the same great defense and all kind of new tools on offense that injuries prevented us from ever seeing in action before the 1st game of the season. The Colts were considered a playoff team (experts spot on as always right?) and the Bills dismantled them, on defense AND offense as TT had beautiful deep balls, we got to see Shady in action, etc. Hell, I even liked Rex being all bravado and making the next game against the Pats so important. It didn't turned out so well (!) but those were exciting days. To feel this now for a preseason game is special!
  5. I'm still buzzing from his display of arm, legs, poise, pocket awareness. Decision making, audibles, reading defenses... that's all up in the air for sure for now,. Like the exciting "running QBs", you know you'll get abysmal games and some amazing ones, some extraordinary highlights mixed among misses and miscues that high level QBs shouldn't do. Difference though, is that running QBs are all about them. With Allen, WR can sprint deep every route knowing they just might get the ball! Clay has gone deep too at times. Don't tell me the opposing defenses will crowd the box and force him to pass! He can stretch the field. Even his first out-of-bound pass is a warning to other teams that you better watch the deep pass! I can see that helping Shady who is soooo good once the initial holes are made for him. As other have mentioned, if the coaches make him develop, build confidence and all for the whole year, and then get one good OL and WR for next year. Sure, fine plan. And Nate and AJ performed well too! But come on, as a fan, Allen brings an excitement I don't recall having for a QB since following the Bills!
  6. While I can understand the logic, ALL teams need 3 QBs so... nope.
  7. I didn't get that from him. I was pleasantly surprised with his pocket awareness so early in his career. It would be much better for Allen to work with the #1s... but they have to work all the QBs. It's the eternal problem of all preseasons. I'm excited man. If nothing else, Allen brings thrills and fun and likely some cringe moments to the game. But boring he won't be!
  8. Inconsistent? Yes. Some rookie mistakes? Yes. He will likelu throw a few INT with too much youthful enthusiasm and desire to make every play? Yes. Inaccurate? Come on now. I saw none of that supposed dismal accuracy of his. Immense potential. He is exciting as hell! He's like the opposite of Tyrod. You can sense he'll throw twice as much INTs as TT and make some dumb mistakes that make you cringe... but also double the TDs and some WOW plays in there! Opposing defenses will have nightmares as they have to cover deep on every play. His stretching of the filed might even open Shady for some big runs.
  9. I have been VERY impressed with Allen. Very. Yet I still agree with this. He will do dumb rookie things that are costly, but anyone doubting the potential is insane. Dude has got a cannon for an arm, guts, very good poise and awareness in the pocket, and better legs than I expected. If he has good judgment (I didn't say very good or great!) he'll be a star. He's still has some growing pains to get out of him. Though, as always, is playing with the 3rd stringers a good way to help him progress?
  10. Seems no one picks on the fact he says he would have fared better with Rodgers, Eli, Big Ben... While not mentioned, probably Brady and Drew Brees as well? LOL The problem here is just not a lack of class against his ex teammate that took his team to the SB while he was injured, but the current Bills QBs can't be all giggling and dancing with those comments!
  11. I didn't watch it all but he seemed super fast as a runner... which means nothing much in terms of if he can be a successful NFL QB. Just that he is entertaining to watch. Unless they suck, having him and RG3 is still a pretty damn scary backup QB stable! Flacco must be feeling some heat. And RG3's ego must be hurting - he went from a BIG star to backup, and now even the new guy is taking all the spotlight! What I didn't get any difference, it's in the kickoff game, but most that I saw went in the end zone as usual... I thought the teams would have wanted to test this new rule and eveluate their players instead of playing it safe for a win that means nothing!
  12. With Woods and Incognito gone, no real threat as far as we can see at WR which means opposing defenses can crowd the box and focus on Shady, there's not that many QBs that would succeed here! I'm all for starting Allen but I feel the current situation might ruin his confidence. Good QBs make their teammates better... but it goes both ways. I've never been negative before a Bills season but I am now. I see a serious lack of talent on offense. I want to be proven wrong, way wrong LOL but that's what I see. 2019 sounds great though with the salary cap situation but you always have to win NOW. The Bills sure proved this last year! They squeaked by but they did it. And showed they could (and should) have beaten the Jags too. So if there is a surprise star on the OL and WR group, OC is a magician, and the QB is on a streak, anything can happen! But betting odds look bleak for this year.
  13. They paid too much but he is very young. Very few star RBs will have their 2nd contracts that young.
  14. Please, oh Progressive One, enlighten us primitive Bills fans so we can collectively be better.
  15. Hard to follow it all, but it's looking much better for Shady than when news come out, especially with the White Knight Lynch Mob out in full force on social media and even in here. Anyway, let's wait for facts and a real investigation! If nothing is found on McCoy, I can't see why the NFL would punish him in any way. It's a case where he is involved or not all, no in betweens.
  16. Losing Wood, Incognito and now Shady. Nah, the running game will on cue as always and that will open up the play action game. Right? Right?
  17. Exactly. Being a pretentious bully type diva dude doesn't make him guilty of paying people to do home invasions and beatings of ex-GFs. Public lynching is really back thanks to the web. It would help if the "justice system" wasn't so damn slow though! With Ray Rice there was video evidence, here it's pics that doesn't prove any of his involvement. Thankfully, he has the $$$ to get defended well.
  18. Ha that classic album. Look at the clips of their show at the Budokan on Youube. Crowd is nuts! Unruly savages, I love it. I can only picture a football team in the pit - it would hurt ha ha
  19. I disliked the Seahawks so much I wished both teams would have lost in the Superbowl... and wasn't even mad the Patriots won. That's how bad I hated them LOL Yes the call is one of THE stupidest calls ever made, and they deserve all the flak they get to this day for it, but the overall coaching was not an issue at all. One call can outdo all your great things though, but let's not pretend the coaches were the reason for the downfall... except that one play which always live in infamy.
  20. Yep. Same here. What a QB situation the Bills have LOL Amazing upside possibilities but no proven (experienced) players at all. It must be rare! It's basically 3 rookies, with the most green being a top pick.
  21. Good question. And what if they get injured in those early camps? Sure it's no contact but it does happen.
  22. Game #16 last year for sure. The Kyle touchdown and his teammates around him. And of course, the 4th & 12. Then seeing the Bills locker room videos, even the fan reaction videos, I was emotional for sure for all these moments. Music City Miracle had me pissed, not crying. I was in a sports bar and many were jeering while I was foaming that it was a forward pass. I was shocked that the refs didn't call that as I sure that would be the call so didn't react much because I expected that call, and then I was foaming at the mouth. Edit: but yeah me too some pressers and "real life" stuff got me. Hell I even had tears hearing the Jason Witten retirement conference. He had such class. I'm not Cowboys fan (hell no!) but sure can respect players on other teams too.
  23. It's too late but I don't get this whole mess, never have since the paycut. He's been the backbone of the offense with Shady. He played very well so I never got why he of all players got a paycut. But, he took it. So that should have been it. But no, then he whines and loses it. Just bad all around. But with Woods surprise retirement, that's 2 OL lost without any warning. And the two best. The LT trade was at least planned but not these two. How it improves the team is beyond me.
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