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Everything posted by Jerome007

  1. 4th and inches when you have one of the best Oline in football just makes sense to go for it. It would have been a turning point if the Bills had stopped it. To me, the super early first down pass on 3rd down with Josh standing in his own endzone was key. It looked like an early rout by the Cowboys. Instead it turned into a game thanks to that play and the great punt by Bojorquez. After that, the Josh 4th and one muscled 1st down, the strip sack by Oliver, etc. are major. Of course, the super bogus call that negated the Hyde INT saved the Cowboys from a rout too! They got a constant slow death instead
  2. Just the way the players congratulated Beasly on the sidelines after his TD was beautiful. You can just feel how bonded they are. Edit: but yeah that video is awesome! Wow
  3. Oh I get why this thread was created. But let's not forget Josh is soooo inaccurate! 11 for 11 to start the 2nd half
  4. Exactly! He was so cool under pressure. It was GREAT. So far he's only cracked against the Pats* this year, and you could add his first start but that'd be way too severe. It's a GREAT trait to have for a QB. He handles pressure and also has shown to be clutch. We got a great one!
  5. I feel the pass on 3rd down that seem to take forever while he was in the endzone was the play. Otherwise it would have been likely a 0-14 start and all. But yeah, it was sweeeet.
  6. Why wait to cut him? Cause with so many kickers having issues, there are none out there better!
  7. The Bills beat the Cowboys AND the refs! What a game! So millions saw the crooked offIciating. Aren't they usually more subtle? YEAHHHH!!!!
  8. That some billionaires have more sway, sure, no doubt. But that the others don't care as long as money comes in? These dudes are competitive! They want to win, to bask in the glory. They already have boatloads of cash. No way they'd stand idles as they are robbed of the spotlight. Just think who gets to hoist the Superbowl trophy first...
  9. Hey, I had said my piece but you just had to add to it so, so will I ha ha. So Doctor dude is a scumbag, and his wife has good reasons to divorce. Sure, it happens, often times too. I don’t see your point from an anecdotal story, nor have I even insinuated it can’t happen. My point would be this: do you think it’s fair that Mr Doctor studied for all these years, build his practice for all these years, worked long hours all these years… and his wife enjoyed all the perks while married… and will STILL get to enjoy at least 50% of the perks while divorced? What does he get in return from now on in exchange for that 50%? Nothing. Zero. Even worse is that he will be a part time dad at best. You call that a great contract from his perspective? You realize that if Doctor had been the perfect husband and she a promiscuous s cheating wife, the financial outcome would still be the same? Completely similar. That’s fair? That’s a wise contract to sign for the party that brings more to the table? The greater the difference in income between the two parties, the greater the payout to the lower income one in case of divorces. How does this make sense? You want to keep the lifestyle you had while married? Well stay married. Simple enough. You realize that while you think she married him “for the right reasons”, isn’t it strange almost no women marry men with lower income and social status? It’s super rare. While the other way around is super frequent? You realize that unless it’s a case of forced marriage like happens in certain religious groups and cultures, women do the choosing while men do the courting? In this time of so-called equality, women can and do work, and make money. They are not helpless like decades ago. Yet somehow they always choose a man with higher or equal social standing. Yet we think nothing of this. Why? Cause it’s almost in our DNA. It’s so natural that we see it as a given. My point is not that women are out to get men or target rich men, just that the current system favors them so heavily, that as men, if we do marry, do so with a woman of equal assets and income at the very least or else, don’t sign such a bad contract, just be in a relationship without putting your assets in the hand of the State for it to possibly divide them later. A contract is needed in case something bad happens, not when things are great, so it should be fair for both parties, no? It’s not MY fault the system screws men over. Don’t blame the messenger. And stats don’t lie when they are overwhelming, no matter your or my anecdotal stories. The wedding contract simply isn’t balanced these days. It doesn’t change human desires for long term relationships and deep bonding! But why add the State into your relationship? If vows were as solid and serious as before, this post would be pointless. But, again, when 50% of 1st marriage end in divorce (80% for 3rd!) and over 70% are initiated by women, yes, do thread carefully. Now the rest of you guys can continue to say I’m a loser for stating facts LOL. I’m done, so you’ll have the last say. Congrats! GO BILLS INDEED!
  10. That's true. And I salute you for your strong wedding. Hey, we (almost) all strive for that. But see, yours is an "old couple", from an era prior to social media and feminist indoctrination. Anyway, Darnold is successfully putting strife among us Bills fans ha ha. Let him do his thing and let us root for the Bills this Thursday :)
  11. Ha ha. Sure buddy. You are so wise and everyone on your family choose your partners so well it will NEVER happen to any of you. And I'm the one not to be taken seriously? Of course some marriages last! And to be clear, I'm not against lifelong relationships, but against bringing the State as a 3rd partner with a super disadvantageous contract for one of the parties.. almost always the male. Again, look at the stats, it's women initiating divorces most of the time. Guess why. But go on. I'm sure all the guys that the wives divorced from all saw it coming or were all dumb as bricks, right? They deserved it, I suppose? "My sister got married and all the priest could talk about was divorce, everyone is doing it" Well that's taking it way too far ha ha. The priest shouldn't be the one saying so! And it's way too late by then. Wow. Edit: and I mention this current world being different than our parents and grand-parents, and here you are mentioning weddings from 40+ years ago. Exactly my point. A different era back then.
  12. Are you insane? NEVER get married. The State becomes the 3rd partner. Over half of marriages don't last, and over 70% of divorces are initiated by the woman. Those are not "the view of an incel", they are real world stats. It's not the same world our parents and grand-parents lived in. Unless you find a woman as rich or richer than you, it's THE stupidest contract to sign. This guy gets it
  13. Hard to know. But there is a lesson to their fall, as for KC losing so many times already! Nothing is a given in the NFL. Even the Ravens who are as hot as they come on offense, well they've lost 2 times. I have no clue what happened then but let's hope the Bills staff find something! I can't picture Josh losing it like Goff.
  14. Well if they won't throw to him, end arounds and WR screens could use his speed. I thought this summer that with him on one side and Brown on the other, plus of course Josh's rocket arm, that they'd stretch the fields all the time, opening up Beasley and TEs, plus all the runs of course, including Allen's.
  15. Do I feel this team is solid and a serious contender? Nope, not fully. But do I think they can win the next 4 games, and mostly, win a playoff game? For sure. They are good, and when things align, some bad calls and plays by the other team... this a team that has a chance. Could they lose the next 4 games? Sure, that too. Of course, as a fan I'm not super confident but damn it's exciting and fun. Meaningful football in December!!! They COULD go far. I wouldn't bet the house on it, oh no, but they could. And I'll root for that. But it's exciting to think they are good enough to compete right now, and one more year of great salary cap space for signings and draft by Beane in 2020. The future is bright.
  16. Yep. My take exactly. The run D has got me worried.
  17. Yes Feliciano has been surprisingly good at center, but keep in mind that when Morse is there, Feliciano also still plays! So, I'd much rather have Morse in there.
  18. Yes. Same here That's why I want Brady there so the Bills squash them. Remember when the Bills beat the Patriots 16-0 at their place, under Rex Ryan no less? Oh but it seems it didn't count cause Brady didn't play. I thought Bellichick was a genius, it was a team sport and blablabla?
  19. It's an even shorter week since the Bills have to travel to Dallas
  20. That he does or not, what matters are results! It's a team sport, and coaches are part of it.
  21. EVERY team try to get in as many plays as they can in obvious losing causes? WHY? I have no clue. Players might want to pad stats, but certainly not coaches, risking their players' health. It's something that has never made sense to me.
  22. Come on, dude. The deep pass is a part of the game too, and with his super powered rocket arm, we will all be giggling like school girls if he starts hitting deep passes! The man was born for this.
  23. Exactly. We have not seen the Bills blitz so much since McD took over, so no wonder the Dolphins could have been unprepared! But the next opponents will be. Still, yet another aspect for opposing teams to analyze & prepare form, which is way you add schemes and vary over the course of the year. I'm sure too that the players loved it! And that matters as well.
  24. In the 4th quarter on a 3rd down, I liked how they lined up like they would bring everybody... and they did bring everybody ha ha. I think it was the first time this season. Line stunts worked well too. Why not do some of this every game? The DL ain't dominant enough by itself. Milano had a MONSTER game. Today, Wow.
  25. I looooooooove Josh and I'm so sick of all the bashers, but this post is correct. As is often the case when the offense shines, the QB gets all the credit but can we give a nod to the offensive line? Josh had all day to throw. It was beautiful LOL
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