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Everything posted by Jerome007

  1. The Buffalo Table Smashers Can't we watch sports without all that SJW and politic bullcrap?
  2. Because the spread of the disease ain't the same in every city? Just maybe? But then, it kind of is an unfair element. I liked the Miami Fish idea a few months back of having a 25% filled stadium. Seems doable. Even at 15-20%, it'd be better than zero!
  3. Oh the irony. The "Jewish community” is indeed not a monolith group. But the "Jewish leaders in Philadelphia" are representing them all?
  4. Their pay have gone up and up and up, year after year. No one likes a paycut, no matter how much you earn. But with careers being so short in football, you'd forego 3 millions and go for zero as you were supposed to get 4? Makes no sense. 99% of them will never make anything close to NFL money in their lifetime. They'd still make more than players a decade ago and these guys played.
  5. I still don't get Bills fans that hate Josh. He's got that "It" factor oozing from his pores. Future is bright!
  6. He is VERY good but what a risk for KC. Injuries, motivation issues, personal drama, who knows, 10 years (12 in fact) is an eternity in NFL years.
  7. Exactly! I was to write a similar post but no need to now. There is this thing called SALARY CAP. Plus, great players are not magically put on shelves for GMs to pick up nor stock up. Every team has holes, and every team wished it didn't. In the East, Darnold and Flacco seem the best duo when it comes to depth... but IMO they pale compared to the #1 of other teams. And the rumor is that Cam might be the backup in NE. They'll likely have a legit QB competition there for #1 spot, none is given yet.
  8. He is a beast. It's like I expect QB to have that fire, but in reality few display it like him. Like he did on that 4th down against the Cowboys. Seems other players respect that trait in a QB. BTW nice answer he gave the dude asking why Allen had more TD than him. No excuses or whining or being pissed at the guy, just a straight compliment to Josh
  9. Damn. It seems a LOT of the tests are simply missing the mark completely. Yours is quite an example. But of course, all pro athletes have testing done yet many don't find out about heart issues till it's too late. They need to improve the testing procedures!
  10. My ex father in law had two major surgeries in his early 30s, and one of his bros died of an heat attack in his 30s. No, they weren't pro athletes but some people have bad genetics for this.
  11. What age bracket? You realize the flu and diarrhea kill healthy people each year as well? Noooooo, I'm not saying Covid is on par with these two. Just that you are looking damn hard for stats to justify your fears. Again, if the curve has been flattened, hospitals are not overrun... WHEN will it be OK for some of you guys to get back to as close to normal as possible? You want perpetual lockdown until the virus goes away or the magical cure/vaccine has been found?
  12. I said the virus is serious. And that we should protect the vulnerable and old. You want what? The NFL and most businesses to continue the lockdown till it goes way? The restrictions were put in place to flatten the curve, and so that hospitals were not overwhelmed. Both objectives have long been reached. Stop moving the goal post. The field remains 100 yards and the time 60 minutes that you like it or not. Of course the virus will continue to affect us, kill people, it might be there for years in fact. Holing up and stopping life is way worse for the overall society. We can't just look at the virus spread like if we were in a controlled lab. Many many complex factors come in play outside the virus with all the restrictions and lockdowns - including many deaths for other untreated and undetected diseases as people can't go or avoid hospitals. You say I go off tangent yet you address zero of my points. Most, if not all, of the Clemson will suffer zero effect, and because they play football, they were tested and thus can be quarantined. You can argue most got it because they were close together, true. But again, they were tested and can do the right steps. And IF it gives them immunity from now on, it's GREAT news for society, not a bad one! You guys are so dramatic. Yes, let's lock all of us till it the bad virus pass us by... in 2 years or so. You realize it's a global phenomena? We can't avoid it. We have to adapt, not stop living. You realize scientists have different view points on this? Maybe you just look for ones that cater to your views, but there is not a consensus here. Many shades of grey. Yes they need to be cautious. But we can count the deaths of healthy young adults WORLDWIDE one by one. Some might get real sick but the chances of death are super slim. Especially considering there is so few players.
  13. Yes. And it would suck. But no more dramatic than that. He'd miss 2-3 weeks and done. NO THE END OF THE WORLD. And because it so happens Josh was playing in the NFL, he would have been aware he has it and needs to quarantine, otherwise he would have been more of a danger to his family and friends. I don't bet but that virus will sure make some people lose or win ha ha.
  14. You're paranoid aren't you? These players will have NOTHING. If it was another virus, you'd shrug your shoulders. Of course they can be contagious but even the WHO has mentioned asymptomatic people rarely are. Still that is the only real concern as their own personal health is probably totally fine. Like, totally. You quarantine them for 14 days and voilà, they're back to football. There's no "sky is falling" here. Better for them it happens now than during the season! That's why the NFL is considering having a large practice squad this year. You realize if they weren't playing football, they would likely not have been tested and thus been as contagious if not more? Stop being so damn scared. The virus is real but not dramatic at all to healthy adults. We must protect the vulnerable and old. And thus, TESTING is the best option. Which they got because they played football!
  15. Stupid ass text message but it was a year ago and in private. Not today after what has happened in this lat week nor in public. So tired of this modern day witch hunt. Beat your kids and get a few game suspension, but say a mean word in a private text conversation and get fired? Seems logical to me!
  16. Of course I too hope he shores up his weaknesses, and no doubt he'll improve. But those areas will probably always remain... yet his STRENGTHS are so many, so special, it's like weird to focus on his weaknesses constantly. As an example Bret Favre threw a LOT of INTs, and he's still one of the greats. Lamar Jackson has tons of holes in his game yet was league MVP. Josh throws very few INTs, yet people act like he is a turnover machine because of the fumbles. Who expected Josh to run MORE than Tyrod Taylor and throw very little INTs? His intangibles, wits, charm and leadership are top notch. Again, I sure hope he improves, his ceiling is so high. But I don't mind some weaknesses considering his strengths.
  17. Forget what happened there, the fact Josh organized this, and almost everyone showed up, now THAT is exciting! I love the commitment by the players
  18. Incredible pic. They don't have to be there, no coaches, yet here they are training together. Nice! As for OL, without actual blocking and the defense facing them, does it really help THAT much?
  19. The Bills are 6-1 in t he games I've been to. But it's been years. It's a 9 hour drive. I need to save money as I'd bring my sons now. I sure plan to go again though! That circle pissing ha ha. I had forgotten that, erased that from my memory. It's still there? Damn
  20. I don't criticize Daboll like some of you mouthing at the mouth, but the failed blitz pickups and lack of adjustments were really bad. Sure Josh had bad throws but like any QBs he needs a groove and he wasn't getting much help. I actually wanted both QBs to gain over 100 yards rushing and make that an entertaining part of the game, with Josh besting him and the Bills winning, of course. Both were contained well. The Ds played well.
  21. Dak is among the pretty damn good but NOT great QB. I wouldn't want the Bills to have that much money stuck in a guy like that and unavailable for other players.
  22. Well, good they trashed that one. And what if I'm 12.5% Black... Does it count? Depends on my skin color? It's treading dangerous ground.
  23. Damn, dude. I'm NOT at all a "follow ALL laws to a T", but if you're so addicted to alcohol that you feel it's normal to drink beer as you're driving, and seem proud to speed, you're the poster child as to why we have to suffer so many limitations on our freedoms. To protect ourselves from dumbasses like you.
  24. Well, to me it depends if there is a season! If so, hell yes.
  25. The Panthers often used Cam as a battering ram down the middle. Sure he didn't get injured, but it must have affected his throwing motions and such at times, being crunched at shoulder level. Look at the Josh run video, he takes very little hard hits, and most were when the pocket collapsed on pass plays - better hits than getting decked while looking downfield. I'm not a huge fan of designed runs... but he's had quite the long gains from some of them so I guess it depends ha ha. As when they don't work, he get hits hard as well. Keep him loose! Let him free
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