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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. At some point, Josh has to go somewhere else on critical passes. Knox ain’t it. Back to back weeks with a huge drop.
  2. Knox is worthless.
  3. I forgot the swausage
  4. Murray made a helluva play on that third down, but keep riding Cook.
  5. Dion having a terrible day.
  6. Listless on offense. Look completely disinterested.
  7. Tormund Giantsbane now hawking for Scott’s? Man he needs that new Jon Snow series to start ASAP.
  8. Game blows. One trip to London and they are zombies on offense.
  9. Three points in one half to the 1-5 cheats.
  10. I don’t disagree. But three guys were immediately through the line.
  11. No shot for anything to work with the line beaten immediately each play.
  13. What is this offense? Line is getting beat like a drum.
  14. CBS loves its commercials.
  15. Love playing down to competition. These ***** starts have to stop.
  16. Field is super shiny.
  17. Let’s go fellas! Get the offense rolling again!
  18. Fair. But if that story with the Hamburg PD is true, that might have ticked up the ol’ odds in the probability department. Certainly possible. Men, particularly fraternal men, have been accused of far worse.
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