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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. I wanted to go the last two 4th downs too, but punting was the right call.
  2. Shakir having a day.
  3. All this promo for Henry next week. Going to be pretty awkward when he’s traded to the Bills. Lol.
  4. Have to be the most penalized team over the last 5 years on special teams. Incredible.
  5. Great swinger of a helmet too.
  6. Rapp had the penalty but that’s not?
  7. Lethal scrambling to his right. As usual.
  8. Gabe would make an absolute killer #3 receiver.
  9. Criminal what they’ve done to Elam and his confidence. Complete BS. Kid can play. If they bail early, it will be a mistake. And if you knew he was a man corner with limited zone experience, then play more man. Some of this is on the scouts too.
  10. I loved the energy the D started with, but they have to tackle better.
  11. Gotta love the shotgun run.
  12. Game shouldn’t be close. Should easily be 17-3 with us driving again. But ***** plays on the goal line and poor execution at times has them right in it.
  13. There’s the Bills I know this year. Absolute crap to do this ***** game after game.
  14. Josh has to see that.
  15. What are these refs doing? Dude is swinging his helmet. Should be auto-ejection.
  16. Josh getting re-taped after ankle grab that last drive?
  17. Where’s the pass rush lately?
  18. Let’s goooo!!!!
  19. Alright Dorsey. Don’t f it up.
  20. Bernard been a beast. Boy was I wrong to be worried about him.
  21. F’n shotgun! Dammit Dorsey! WTF.
  22. Stupid shotgun run play. Just line up under center.
  23. Former Bill McLaughlin.
  24. Garbage flag.
  25. Good start D! Now let’s go O! Open it up. Get Josh rolling early!
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