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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. Josh is, and will continue to be, a king maker.
  2. Smiley. One of the worst STCs in the league. I’d easily take Farwell or Crossman back and I didn’t care much for either of them either. We have at least one game a year with stupid special teams blunders, particularly in the punt game, that cost us big.
  3. That’s the right call. Prevented him from coming back to the ball.
  4. Rams PA guy is the DJ Khalid of PA announcers.
  5. That’s the same tugging on Ingram and Douglas. They call it all game. Until now. F off refs.
  6. Pathetic display of defense. How can you have zero answer for nakua all game. And on third down….again.
  7. We hold them to a FG here, we win this thing.
  8. Hollins has been a great addition this year. Really stepped up with Coleman and Kincaid out.
  9. Let’s go D! Come on! Need you to get another one!
  10. Tremendous throw. If only we could get a stop. But im done thinking that’s going to come.
  11. Like pulling f’n teeth for Josh to even get to 300 yards anymore.
  12. How are they still not covering Puka? What a joke. Babich is getting schooled all day.
  13. Are they playing extra guys? Or are we playing 10? Can’t make this up.
  14. Need the defense to get a couple stops today. They can start now. Wake the F up now.
  15. Who the ***** is this team? Toast. Uninspired *****.
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