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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. Let’s gooo!!!! F you refs!!!
  2. You can’t make this ***** up. I’d be all over these refs ass if im McD.
  3. Catch the damn ball.
  4. Let’s gooo!!! Stay out of our way refs.
  5. Thanks refs you mother f’ers.
  6. McD needs to get in the refs ass. This is unreal.
  7. Refs are an absolute joke.
  8. That they call. Morons.
  9. WTF refs!!! Right in front of you dummies!!
  10. Drop. Drop. Flag. Flag. Flag. Flag. Drop.
  11. Ref telling Swift there “don’t worry, I got you”
  12. How many of these crucial drops we going to have today? Have to bring in the balls that hit you right in the hands. And again….f you refs. Call it fair!
  13. No flag there. Only us.
  14. Come on guys. Catch!
  15. Shocked there was no flag on that one. Then again, there’s still time until the next play.
  16. These refs are unbelievable
  17. F these refs man. Calling every nit on us. Trying their damndest to get that face time.
  18. Have I told you how much I hate these refs?! Every f’n thing called on us.
  19. Way too conservative.
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