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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. Pass game is a joke lately.
  2. Tremendous start fellas.
  3. When will they get rid of smiley? How many more special teams blunders have to happen?
  4. Refs and Dan Campbell saved McCarthy’s ass. What an idiot on their previous possession not burning clock.
  5. It was there, but that’s too much back and forth. A little too unsettled. I’m kicking after that penalty.
  6. He’s doing it again?!
  7. Can’t believe he’s going for 2. Takes some real stones.
  8. What a douche. Was it Preston Brown or Jerry Hughes who was standing right there watching it happen and just walked away without sticking up for Tre?
  9. I’d bet some people are going to look pretty foolish wanting to bail on him so early like they did. Most athletically gifted corner on the roster. May not be this week or even this season, but this dude can play.
  10. Sun Tzu
  11. Get out of here with that. What about the hands to the face on the chiefs LT there?
  12. Thank you!!! Merry Christmas Bills fans!!!
  13. Great tackling. McD has not had these guys ready to play.
  14. This team is infuriating. Can’t just win an easy game.
  15. What the absolute F.
  16. Need a response here fellas. Come on.
  17. Josh needs to take some of those dump offs like Stick.
  18. Fire that special teams coordinator to the Sun.
  19. Now we are pissing away timeouts on a punt? WTF?!
  20. Come on refs. Piss off.
  21. OK….give me the commercials. Lol.
  22. Damn. Stick is playing well tonight. Have to tip my cap to him. Begrudgingly.
  23. Play Lewis already. That’s a wrap for Rapp.
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