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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. I blame the Raiders in all this. They should have dumped him on the reserve/did not report list and forced him to sit home all year for his antics. He didn’t report and chose not to play football, so he’s done for the year. But they are weak and caved. They didn’t want to deal with the “distraction” and being asked about it all year. This result makes you look so much better. Nice job.
  2. You know he will, so get ready for it. We were all duped. No one more so than the Raiders.
  3. “Shocking,” said no one ever. Hate that team with every fiber of my being. Hope it blows up in their face. Raiders should have put him on reserve/did not report and let him sit at home. This’ll teach him.
  4. Happy Anniversary! Bringing it back to where it all began.
  5. Rodgers 50% completion percentage ain’t gonna cut it.
  6. Peter Man. As Gruden would say.
  7. I believe we get Taylor Lewan his first game back from suspension too. Lucky us!
  8. Yarbrough played his ace off tonight. Reminded me of a few years ago when he first joined the team. Unfortunately, it may be too late.
  9. Obviously, Clowney is a talent, but I could take or leave him. He’s not Mack, but he would really help the defense. What I get sick of reading is how players prefer XYZ team. And XYZ team is never the Bills. It’s not news and I should be used to it by now, but it’s frustrating to be irrelevant and never be mentioned in those conversations. Worst of all, Bills only have themselves to blame for falling so far off the national radar.
  10. Obviously, the quality in the preseason is questionable. Fourth preseason game in general is sloppy and tough to watch. But...a whole game of Tyree makes it almost impossible to sit through. I say almost, but I will likely watch like the Bills football junkie that I am. Here’s hoping he performs better as the guy from start to finish.
  11. Think he just one-upped Vontae?
  12. No worries! Wasn’t trying to call you out specifically. I’m a frequent reader, and just something I’ve seen come up a few times in different threads. Lane Kiffin and Butch Davis have brought a little buzz to each program, but FAU and FIU may as well be the same on the broader college football landscape.
  13. Seems to be a consistent misconception on here. Dorsey was never assistant AD at FAU. He was with FIU. As to your other point, I’d be fine with Motor in the 4th.
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