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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. I swear they do those Genesis halftime shows to troll us all. No one can look forward to those, right? I love looking at Twitter when it’s going on to see how cleverly people can trash it.
  2. Maybe I’d have felt differently about it if it cost us big, but He’ll learn from it. Like with the gronk incident, I get tired of other players that don’t stick up for your guys. An occasional penalty will happen, but at least you care. Just be more careful about it.
  3. Guy just puts TDs up at will. Another 3TD effort. So much for defenses figuring him out. Praying for a 3 passing TD game from Josh. For the game...Mahomes has 3 in first half. Just makes it look easy.
  4. I love Josh Allen, but a little piece of me dies with every Pat Mahomes TD. Yeah, yeah...no Andy Reid, not the same playmakers here, etc. I know I shouldn’t care, and Mahomes seems like a solid dude, but it just irks me. I can’t be alone in this can I?
  5. Offense needs a drive. D is gassed and not getting a pass rush.
  6. So Billsy...just let them hang around. Even though they have NO business being in this game.
  7. I hope this doesn’t age well, but so much for 300 yard passer streak ending.
  8. I think everyone is pleased dude. But come on....we can’t be annoyed with how many conservative and strange calls they’ve made since? Not to mention dumb pre snap penalties in a library-like stadium.
  9. Adds to the years and years of Bills coaches over thinking it.
  10. One of my biggest criticisms of him. This game should not even be close.
  11. Harrison Phillips has been active today. Solid game from him so far.
  12. So far, lacking killer instinct and execution. Step on their throats already.
  13. I get the wanting to collect yourself, but that’s two drives (one by terrible play calling and one by kneeling) that could’ve resulted in points. 7-10 points potentially (may have bled the clock on a drive before last possession) that could’ve put the game out of reach. That’s old Bills mentality there. Far tooo safe.
  14. Come on man. 47 seconds and 2 timeouts and you kneel. That’s chicken sh**. Why not try to squeeze out a FG opportunity?
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