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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. The real streak we should all be concerned with....the amount of time it’s been since Al Michaels called a Bills game. ? I think it’s been since 2007. In all seriousness, I’d like to hear him call another Bills game before he retires.
  2. Simply amazing to me how long/frequently we’ve gone without a 300 yard passer. Especially, when you consider how many times we’ve been behind in years past. Incredible when you think about it.
  3. Wonder if yeldon is shown the door this week. Murphy was fairly decent. Ran with a purpose and was quick. For everything yeldon offers in the pass game, he’s very mediocre on the ground so far and fumbles have been an issue. We lack the shifty/speed guy with Motor out.
  4. That he is, but it doesn’t have to be one or the other. Look, I love the guy, and no one was celebrating harder than me over here at the result, but he can be a gamer and have some things we’d like to see cleaned up. It’s all part of the process, but he is doing a really good job overall. Been a fun ride so far for a change.
  5. Oh I agree. I’m on his side. I said let’s see how he responds in the game thread. But let’s not act like he would’ve been given the benefit of the doubt around here from some TBD’ers if he failed. People are just waiting in the shadows to say “I told ya so...accuracy...etc” as soon as they get an opportunity.
  6. Easy to say with the benefit of knowing the outcome. I love Josh, but people would be killing him right now if it wasn’t for the final drive.
  7. Win is a win. Even when ugly. Thankfully Josh rebounded for the big GW Drive.
  8. That’s why no one talks about our D. How many years have we give up 3rd and longs.
  9. That’s just dandy. What happens when you don’t put teams away.
  10. Can’t blame youth on a 40-50 year old offensive coordinator that is getting too cute. And something you’re taught not to do your whole life -throw back across your body with defenders hanging on you into play. It’s dumb hero ball. I love Josh but can’t do that. Let’s see how he responds.
  11. That’s what dumb teams do. Thank you for letting them hang around with sloppy ball. See how he responds
  12. Yes, we have 14 points, but they’ve stubbed their toe a lot this game with really questionable play calls and bad drops. That slop won’t hold vs the cheats.
  13. This lead should be larger. Spent a lot of time on their end. Need to come away with more points there.
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