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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. Ford hasn’t been terrible so far at RT all game. That’s been nice.
  2. Duke already showing up more than Zay. Also, Bonus: return of the Bruuuuce-like chant!
  3. They had jerry on the opposite side rushing the right tackle. Not sure how often they’ve done that this season, but nice wrinkle.
  4. Catch the ball Knox. That’s the one thing he’s too inconsistent at right now.
  5. Maybe we were too hard on Danny Crossman? And he’s awful, so that’s saying something.
  6. Shocking. Special teams penalty. God they are dumb on that unit.
  7. AHHH!!! 6 Bills standing watching a fumble. Not sure we’ve found our answer for ST coach just yet. He’s young, so you hope he gets better. That unit hasn’t been smart for years. Look woefully unprepared for situational football week after week.
  8. Josh has to stick with the pocket a little longer. Chances are Knox would have run that a long way if Josh had seen him.
  9. A lot of Duke on that possession. May have missed it, but didn’t seem like much Zay.
  10. Seems to be working just fine for the Bears. While Allen is on his rookie deal, we’ve got enough space to do this deal and lock up our own guys.
  11. Oh man. I’d be all over Von if he can be had. He’s 30, but that’s not as big a concern for pass rushers. A legit pass rusher is the last piece on this defense to make it elite. Also, wouldn’t hate adding Derek Wolfe.
  12. It’s incredible Sammy is only 26 years old. Feel like he’s been in the league 10 years now. Same with woods for that matter. He’s only 27. Crazy.
  13. That’s the only thing that makes sense. Wish he didn’t have this lingering knee thing. Now it looks like an ankle bothering him too. Guy is getting up there in age, but no question he’s better than Ford at tackle to this point.
  14. Yeah. I like the Brown and Beasley additions, but that’s been my one criticism of them too. I really like Foster, but for whatever reason he doesn’t seem to be “process” enough for them. No way in the world Zay should be getting more snaps than him at this point.
  15. Agreed. I’m happy with Ford (at guard) because after QB I think you build from the inside out. We’ve ignored the line for years. However, this team has lacked explosion on offense since we had sammy, woods, and glass-quise Goodwin, so I would have been 100% fine with DK in the second. Could’ve had him without moving up like we did with Ford (I think, could be wrong there). Shoot, just look at the Chiefs for proof that you can never have enough playmakers. Imagine him with Knox. That’s a nice base of young playmakers.
  16. I’d be shocked if he doesn’t play with what seems to be participating in the standard routine for the QBs. If he was still in rough shape, they wouldn’t have him out there with blasting music and in the rain on a slippery field running, cutting, and jumping over medicine balls. Sure, it could all be gamesmanship, but I doubt it. If McD was as clever as he thinks he is, he would’ve picked up on the team’s tendency to not pull in their gunners on a punt block call.
  17. I get that, and I also don’t want anything bad or long term to happen to Josh either. I’m with you there. However, I don’t think he clears protocol unless he’s actually cleared from all symptoms. So he would be healthy. If he doesn’t clear, he doesn’t play.
  18. I don’t get this at all. If they clear him, why sit him? It’s an independent neurologist if I recall correctly. If he’s clear, you put your best guys on the field. We need him. Even with all the bone headed hero ball plays, he’s our best shot. We go as far as he takes us, same as it’s always been.
  19. Agreed. This dude should have been fired last year. I could be wrong, but I don’t recall him being too awful of a ref when he did it, but boy is he out of his league with this job. Seems like the guy always screws us with a critical call against the Cheats. The kelvin benjamin TD that was overturned comes to mind. The play I was most annoyed with yesterday, beside the Allen hit, was the pick play on Levi Wallace. I don’t care if the rule doesn’t allow you to consider intent. Dude didn’t even attempt to run a route. But hey, we’ve been getting jobbed on critical calls against the cheats since at least the “just give it to them” game. It’s a joke.
  20. Absent injury and not clearing the protocol, I don’t see any way you sit your starting QB that got you to 3-0. What Belichick did to Josh is what he does to every young QB. Not even sure how much Belichick even did to him honestly. The errors were all forced, inpatient hero ball crap. I feel like the cheats played him the same way last year. Take away the escape runs and make him throw. Sure, Josh can learn, and I wouldn’t have been against pulling him for a series to tell him to cut the ish, but he needs to play. Josh needs to learn, and I don’t see how sitting on the bench helps at this point. Love him or hate him, we go as far as he takes us this year. Same as it’s always been.
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