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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. Talk about a mammoth human being. Look at Tyron Smith. Guy is a mountain.
  2. Chase McLaughlin sighting. Nailed a long FG for the bolts. I know we are rooting for the titans, but Good for the former Bill.
  3. Yep, I acknowledged that in a later post. I still take the points, but that’s me. Mainly due to if he drops down short of the end zone and we have a fumbled snap or something and they are driving for the win. Definitely remote, but possible. I take the points and make them drive for two scores in a minute left and no timeouts. Bills have invented new ways to lose over the last 20 years. But I definitely get the drop and kneel out the clock too. If that goes well, no question you take the win. Fortunately we got it anyway. My point still stands that this team is too conservative at times, and I think that’s McD’s mentality. Our possession before the last Miami TD is my point. You get a first down there and there isn’t much time for Fitz to do any of what he did. Instead we go three straight runs. Yes, they burned their TOs, but we still could have gotten them to do that with more aggressive play selection or (better yet) won the game with another drive.
  4. Yep, that’s probably it and a good point. I can see the value there. I think I would have done what Hyde did and taken the points and made them drive for two scores with a minute left and no timeouts. But that’s the fan side of me. I’ll certainly concede maybe my example of this team being too conservative wasn’t the greatest.
  5. I guess that’s true and a good point. Hadn’t considered that. But my mentality is to take the points there when clinging to a 3 pt lead. All it takes is a fumbled snap or something and they are driving for the win. We’ve seen it all before as Bills fans. Team has basically invented new ways to lose. Going to take more than a 5-1 start to shake 20 years of what we’ve endured. Lol.
  6. Eric Wood was saying the same thing on the broadcast as he was running it in. That “aww shucks good guy conservative crap” has got to stop. You step on their throats just as Belichick would. Get so sick of having to be great sports. Miami wasn’t stopping. Why should we?
  7. Hey there we go! Posted something similar in the second half thread! Glad I wasn’t mistaken. Had to hit the recall button on that one.
  8. I think Henry Jones did something like that years ago. Maybe against the Cardinals in prime time? Memory may be deceiving me.
  9. Wow! The balls on Hyde. He misses that ball, dolphins recover.
  10. I wish McD was a more aggressive coach. We pick up a first down that last series, there isn’t much time left for this stuff. Frustrating.
  11. I don’t think McD will allow it if it is a grind it out type score. He’s too much of a nice guy. He can’t stop it if it is a quick hitter though.
  12. Team that dominates is a little better on the ol ticker. ?
  13. Man. I know it’s been said but if Tre White doesn’t make that interception and they score a TD there, we are in serious trouble. Love the way these guys have settled back in in the second half. They were far too sleepy in the first half.
  14. Josh’s deep ball has been atrocious. More to it than just winging it deep. No arch to run under it.
  15. Walton the new willie Parker. Who tf is this guy?
  16. I’m trying to relax and find some optimism here. Teams know Josh is struggling to diagnose a blitz. Doesn’t help his teammates are dropping balls and the defense is playing awful. Excuses need to stop. Wake up, Step up, and take this game back.
  17. They should consult Andy Reid some more and see if they should take more time off during the bye.
  18. What could they possibly be doing in coverage with 3rd stringers that is so confusing? No one open? Please.
  19. Catch the ball. But hey...who needs Foster. Speed guys all over the place work for Mahomes. But not here.
  20. In our house no less. Way to go. No way in the world you can convince me this team didn’t overlook the dolphins.
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