I’d love to, but we don’t have the Cheats stable of backs. Our power guy is on the fritz with a toe ailment and he wasn’t running all that great to begin with. Yeldon had a few nice plays yesterday, but is hardly a feared runner. And for whatever reason, they seem reluctant to give Motor a full work load and seem to be limiting his carries.
Our biggest threat on the ground has typically been Josh, and I’m only for him running occasionally/as necessary. Plus he’s been awesome as a passer, so no need to use the feet if the arm can get you there.
I’m bigly concerned about the running game and our rush defense. We’re going to have to rely on both at some point. I hope we’re up for the challenge and can get it started this week, but I’m not super optimistic based on what I’ve witnessed early on. It’s early though, so there’s plenty of time to figure it out.