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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. Surprised the refs let us have the FG.
  2. What, you don’t trust this crack ref crew?
  3. Going conservative with the punt catcher there.
  4. This quarter is taking forever.
  5. Every close spot in this game has been terrible. BUT we’ve mostly benefited from it.
  6. I’m playing against Josh in fantasy playoffs right now, but I don’t care. Bills always come first.
  7. Wonder if the refs will throw a flag in the 4th qtr about something we did before halftime.
  8. Looking for solid defensive adjustments and put the clamps down on Lock the second half. Dude is completely mediocre. And we will pick him off. Been close a number of times.
  9. I’m cool as a cucumber my man. Tell me I’m wrong. Game shouldn’t even be close.
  10. We lack that killer instinct sometimes. Usually something happens that’s just dumb and keeps lesser teams in games.
  11. Trash defensive series. Terrible.
  12. Ripped that ball between two defenders.
  13. Oh I’m not denying the hold. I’m calling out whoever it was that said they don’t call holding any more. Jokingly of course.
  14. Who said they don’t call holding anymore? Jinx.
  15. Our D will pick Lock eventually. Only a matter of time. They are just missing.
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