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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. Peyton gets visually upset when these guys miss on plays or make dumb decisions. He could never coach. Not everyone plays or thinks like him and that would drive him crazy.
  2. Say what you will about them, but Baker, Darnold, and Lamar all throw a better/more consistent and catchable deep ball than Josh. All the arm strength in the world means nothing if you can’t hit your target. And I love Josh. Wouldn’t trade him for any of them.
  3. I think it’s great. A little distracting, but different/fun. A little like watching with your buddies in the man cave. My biggest complaint is the audio. Mics are muffled. Eli is the only one who sounds clear.
  4. Totally forgot about the Manning deal. Is that going on all year?
  5. Plus side is that if the Raiders flame out this year, maybe Mayock heads back to draft coverage with NFL Network. He was awesome at that. Although, his draft record with the Raiders taints that a smidge.
  6. Gruden is a disaster.
  7. D was fine. Played well enough to win. Don’t get the Levi Wallace hate. Sure, he’s not Tre, but most aren’t. As we've all seen, you can do a lot worse than Levi Wallace. This loss is on two things to me: 1. a poor offensive game plan and even worse execution of that game plan; and 2. Inopportune bone headed special teams play on the blocked punt. We gave them this game. “Let them off the hook” as Denny Green would say. If the offense didn’t spend all day short circuiting, we win that game easily.
  8. Agree. I’m being an ass based on Josh’s misfire to Sanders earlier today. I’m still bitter.
  9. Must be nice to not be so amped up so you are able to hit the wide open man running deep for 6. 😈
  10. Love those Rams end zones. And helmets.
  11. Daniel Jones ain’t it.
  12. Don’t care what happens in this game, but the browns have been very impressive. They haven’t backed down all day and they respond each time KC tries to make a comeback.
  13. You thought the bills looked bad, get a load of the packers.
  14. What self respecting man can wear a tyreek hill jersey?
  15. Browns just going right after them. Love it.
  16. Love the browns aggression and game plan.
  17. Someone came out feeling themselves Way too much today. And moss shouldn’t be inactive the rest of the year.
  18. Gave this away with such a trash game plan. Terrible execution. Just completely unprepared.
  19. This game shouldn’t even be close with any sort of offense. Daboll had all off season to come up with this ish.
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