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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. Up 21 on the road with 4 turnovers is incredible.
  2. We’d have hung 50 on them but for the first half mistakes.
  3. Put this away right here on this drive!
  4. A few too many QB keepers on that drive (admittedly mostly RPOs), but Kenny Dorsey calling a helluva game.
  5. Hate those unnecessary shots on Allen.
  6. Alright…enough with the injuries.
  7. Hope Eddie O’s ankle isn’t too serious. Didn’t look the same in there before coming off again.
  8. Von is a f’n beast! Worth. Every. Penny.
  9. Just use motor the rest of the night. Guy is playing great.
  10. Clean up the dumb mistakes in the second half. Fortunate to be tied with 3 turnovers and a big penalty on a kick off.
  11. 3 damn turnovers on the road. Dumb. Fortunate to be up 3.
  12. This cutise crap Bass does on kick offs is really annoying. Just tell him to put it through the back of the end zone.
  13. Two cheap TOs by the offense. We’re moving the damn ball. Lock in. Should be 21-0.
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