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Wily Dog

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Everything posted by Wily Dog

  1. I shouldn't have to tell you... the last three years...i know you are going to trot out that he was a winner because he was i game over 500 but he was a loser in the playoffs and i told you how simian would be a better fit for a rookie. You wish you knew as much about football as Bill.
  2. Simian and Taylor come from two different directions with the same result . They are both losers but Simian would be a better fit for the Bill's as a interim QB with a rookie than Taylor because i suspect that we are looking at a pocket QB as a rookie. Based on what Polian said during the 2017 draft.
  3. Kelly has been working with an NFL QB in California for awhile so i think if he does what his uncle told him to do.... Shut up and listen, there may be promise for him. Simian is about equal to Taylor.
  4. It would depend on Kelly's maturity , i assume .
  5. I have a solution for the Bills and Denver. Trade Taylor for both Simian, and Chad Kelly.
  6. There aren't enough to go around for all teams. I feel we are in good hands with our Coach/GM and i can speculate what they are going to do, but realistically , i don't know squat.
  7. Wildcat , did not enter my mind.. i want a stable QB in the pocket preferably, Rosen.
  8. I believe that O'leary and Logan Thomas are going to be our TE's going forward, with possibly a FA. I Think Clay has outlived his usefulness here and is damaged goods ( knees ).
  9. Cousins - too much money invested in a less than top rung QB. Mayfield- Character concerns Taylor- They have seen enough i believe you can leave the aforementioned QB's out of your discussions for 2018 as a QB for the Bills.
  10. Because I have been around a lot longer than you and i have seen the Bill's from the beginning. I hope that McD & Beane are the real deal , the same as I hoped all of the rest of the Coaches & GM's were going to lead us out of the darkness. So far i have seen one in the 60's and one in the 90's. Personally, I would like to trade up for Rosen, and let the chips fall they may but, that shows you what i know.
  11. 1. Peterman 2. Falk 3. A " Low Rent" seasoned QB ,who is a pocket passer , and will refine the other two into starters along with the coaches.
  12. Whaley was excellent at pro personnel evaluation, i.e. Hughes, his problem was in the draft, he wasn't very good.
  13. No matter who they choose we will not see the results for a year or two so why are some of you getting your pants in a wad this early.
  14. Zay will be fine in his second season. He will be physically right, has a new WR coach, and will have a new QB throwing TO him. I don't positively know, but the yips, that Zay had, could have been caused by the erratic throws that he was forced to catch. He generally was faced with a contested catch most times, possibly some his fault and the QB's, who didn't seem to be able to lead receivers or throw to them when they were open. It might cause a rookie to press to much and, it is a self fulfilling result.
  15. I believe that the seriousness of the shoulder issue showed up in the post season physical as did Eric Wood's problem, thus they didn't know .
  16. Jones was playing most of his games with a bad shoulder and will have a new QB throwing to him next year which should help him considerably.
  17. I thought this post was about Nick Roles , not TT. Getting back to the subject , i heard that Foles would be worth a 2nd round pick in the draft. This was due to his TOTAL body of work .He also is a Christian, so would be compatible with Mcdermott/Beane.
  18. Th old adage that, McDaniels should buy his jelly beans one at a time is true, in his case, because his job in N.E. is the last job in the NFL ,that he will have.
  19. McDaniels will only be a HC in New England IF, Krafty keeps his word. 50/50 chance, i think. GM is not in the cards for Douche. Even Kraft can see what character Douche exhibits and would not want him too close to the crown jewels.
  20. Back in the day , a mans word was his bond. I know things change but , a mans word is still his bond. McDaniels must have told the three coaches he hired that, he was going to be the HC in Indy. Then he reneged, and screwed over the three coaches. Shame on him and anyone who thinks like him, i.e. the whole Patriots organization.May karma roost on your organization, for the foreseeable future.
  21. To the fans of Indy... as Charles Robinson said . McDaniels is "ARROGANT , ABYSMAL, ABORTIVE, AND a word he didn't say but i will., A__HOLE. You are lucky that he aborted.
  22. i long for the days where the Pat's were usually at the bottom of the AFC East, That may be coming soon.
  23. Mc Daniels , if he has been promised the job in N. E. by Kraft will be whistling dixie when Kraft y changes his mind or reneges on the "deal".
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