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Practice Squad (3/8)



  1. It's time ....... Turn the Page!
  2. Broncos defender .......
  3. It was good.
  4. 8 total yards for Travis ...... sounds like dobber down to me.
  5. It amazes me how that's forgotten.
  6. Rest in peace.
  7. We didn't need this.
  8. good enough for me. Go Bills
  9. He misses a few wide open ..... needs to take what's given a bit more. We need to attack the middle of the field all day.
  10. I thought his name was Darius.
  11. By halftime what about the 2nd half?
  12. Dawkins needs to take a good long look ...... disappointed. Murray .... Harris ..... Cook that should be the depth order. Harris would be 1st if healthy. Cook is better coming in off the bench right now.
  13. I'd grab him in a heartbeat.
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