Love it.
When we, the fans, realize that Ralph is 100% correct in his observation that we have no talent, we'll be all better off.
When you wiff at the top of the draft (Williams, Bledsoe, Parrish, Reed, etc) it takes YEARS to reverse the damage.
If you don't mind me asking, what was the compensation?
Wins will be hard to come by this year, I'm not sure there is much they could give you for making you miss one!
We ought to beat the Lions. The real test, however, is in two weeks, against the Patriots. That's a game that we _must_ win if we want to bestow any legitimacy to this rebuilding effort.
I knew this on Sunday, but now that I've taken a look at the highlights, it's clear Losman had a terrific game. The way he moved to avoid rushers -- and then put the ball in absolutely the perfect place -- on a few of those throws is really remarkable.
Things are looking up!
Not only that, but he picked his RUNNING BACK to throw the pass. I thought Culpepper was supposed to be a good running quarterback - if you're gonna throw, why not roll him out and give him the option?
Mularkey is good at one thing: outsmarting himself. All Bills fans should be happy he's gone -- and doubly happy he's ruining the Fish.
Some people will "see" anything, just to prove to themselves that they were right all along.
If Losman was playing run defense in the 2nd half, or if he was the one throwing illegal blocks*, then you can blame him. Personally, I thought he had a very good game, considering the Bills barely aired it out today. How many long pass plays were called?
* Illegal Blocks -- Even if they are marginal calls, an experienced/good team won't give the officials a reason to even think about throwing that flag.
Yes, this is absolutely the case:
"Only Sunday afternoon games are eligible to be moved. Flexible scheduling will not be applied to games airing on Thursday, Saturday or Monday nights."
NFL Flexible Schedules
Man, I'm gonna sound like I'm talking to my kids, but...
Is that attitude really necessary? Can't you just leave it alone? So f**in' what that he repeated the post. Does it really bother you that much?
And if you really must say something about it, how about this: "Please, browse through the recent posts to see if your topic has already been discussed." Do you really have to be mean and vindictive?
It's crap like this that makes this board intolerable sometimes.
Promo, you've nailed it, bud. This is precisely why I'm not totally down on our chances to field a decent team this year.
The change in the coaching staff is the best example of "addition by subtraction" I've seen in a long time.
When Willis on the field in 3rd-and-goal from inside the 5, you'll know what I mean :-)
Perhaps booking a few weeks ago would have made a difference, but I got cheaper flights at better times when I booked on USAir this morning.
Competition is a beautiful thing ... capitalism rocks :-)