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Everything posted by JCBoston

  1. Mercury Morris? Crap, we couldn't beat him 30 years ago, and it's only gone down hill from there. Hopefully Czonka's knee is acting up, otherwise we are DOOOOOOOOMED!
  2. Ahh... NOW I'm free to enjoy the season. What a relief! Someone not knowing the Animal House quote has become something of an annual tradition around here :-) GO BILLS!
  3. Answer: Joe Bruno. Read, understand, and be sickened: http://www.buffalonews.com/365/story/245361.html
  4. Ken Johnson? I wonder if he drove his red Pinto to the stadium on gamedays
  5. Thanks, EZC, you're right on. See you at the Harp in a couple of weeks!
  6. Pole question? As in, how does she hold on to that pole upside down like that? Or, as in, Lot 1, Pole 6?
  7. Alvin Bowen, a.k.a. the Compliance Linebacker!
  8. That, and they'll have Mitchell coming off the edge, and Chris Ellis (3rd-round pick) supposedly has wheels.
  9. One month moderating this board.
  10. Farkin' daisy JC, SJCI '83
  11. Ugh... this only begs the question: a.) Long Trail IPA b.) Harpoon Summer Ale c.) Labatt Blue d.) Anything but Bud Light
  12. Trade their entire draft to Miami for the rights to Ricky Williams.
  13. Takeo Spikes is a season or two away from being lumped in with those "great" players that never won anything, and in fact may have hindered their teams from winning. When he was at Cincy, the Bengals sucked. He left, they got good. Yeah, I know there were other factors at play there. But when Spikes arrived in Buffalo, the Bills were on the upswing - then look what happened. Once might be aberation, twice might be coincidence... but if Philly doesn't make hay in the playoffs, three times will be a trend. And given Philly's season last year, just making the playoffs won't be enough in my mind to release Spikes from that "team cancer" category.
  14. A bar in Boston that is open past 2 am is one that will be shut down by the authorities the next week.
  15. Others have asked this question before , but I'll ask it again... What have the Bills won with Spikes, McGahee, Clements, etc on the roster? As much I enjoy watching Spikes on the field, there might be something to the fact that Cincy got good as soon as he left. Yeah, it's probably due to a better coach and a whole lot of better players, but perhaps it's not just a coincidence that the Bills, who appeared to be on the upswing when he arrived, bottomed out at the same Cincy started going to the playoffs. Spikes might very well fall into the category of "great" players who never win anything, and in fact hinder their team from winning. Frankly, I'd rather have a bunch of no-names that play collectively better than the sum of their parts (e.g., New England)
  16. Depth. Villarial is gone, Reyes isn't far behind.
  17. Confirmed on buffalobills.com
  18. Poojer, take a chill, have a drink, and RELAX for cying out loud! Dontcha know how to laugh, brotha?
  19. Huh? Why do you presume this motive? Why not just take the post for what it is, instead of jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst from people? Sorry for the soapbox, but I hate this kind of reactionary character assasination... which, frankly, is making this board a lot less enjoyable.
  20. Ahh, welcome to the "Hub of the Universe", where Tom Brady's sh-- don't stink. Locally, the word was that he dumped her when she insisted on starting a family, not the other way around. According to this article, Moynihan was "depressed" after the breakup, which would, presumably, not be the case if she was the break-er, not the break-ee. And for cryin' out loud, does everything have to be so damned serious around here? What gives with the profanity? I was only trying to poke a little fun at a guy that seemingly walks on water..... lighten up.
  21. And this is relevant... how?
  22. McGahee 3, Brady 1 (and counting)
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