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Everything posted by JCBoston

  1. Mark my words, we will boycott the NFL for trying to get us to hate our team!
  2. Oh, except for when you bust on guys for "trying to do too much", and "freelancing". Sometimes, the play design calls for unblocked defenders. Of course, those plays assume the QB knows what to do with the ball (i.e., get rid of it) when he feels the pressure. I'm pretty sure JP Losman fails on both of those counts. The coach is to blame for putting his player in a position to fail. The player is also responsible for sucking when then pressure is on.
  3. Actually, if you read any of the articles posted on the front page, you would know that the Jets brought all 11 on the blitz for that play. The Jets player that made the sack was unaccounted for in the blocking scheme; the play was designed to roll away from the pressure. Peters actually did his job on that play: block the end, and chip the blitzer, who, if we had a real QB on the field, never would have gotten to the ball.
  4. "Do you anticipate being back next year?" "Yes, I fully anticipate that I will be back next year"
  5. Joe Dufek, Gary Marangi, Dan Manucci, Vince Ferragamo, Willie Totten and Rob Johnson beg to differ. Perspective, please.
  6. I was in a bar with a roomful of people that were complaining all day that they kept Losman in the pocket rather than roll him out. So they roll him out, and look what happened. Just goes to show what fans know. Yeah, the better play would have been a run. DJ should be fired just for that. But come on, folks, Losman should take at least 51 percent of the blame on that - he's gotta know to take care of the football.
  7. You haven't seen any Detroit Lions game the last, oh, forever, then. Their defense sucks. The Bills defense, on the other hand, is good. Not great, but good -- and it certainly would have been good enough to make the playoffs if the Bills offense could have scored 11 and 17 points in their last two games, respectively. Sure, they could have more turnovers, or more sacks, or whatever, but I'm pretty sure 25 or so other teams would make the same complaints. If you think the D is the big problem at OBD, you're crazy.
  8. I think this is quite likely. When Tom G gave Larry Quinn (and some others) ownership shares in the partnership last year, it seemed a little odd to me. I mean, why not just give them bonuses, raises, etc? I'm not sure if the NHL bylaws require the biggest shareholder to be an absolute majority (i.e., > 50 percent) or if it's ok to merely have the most shares, but I suspect the latter (given Edmonton's ownership situation). Tom G might be setting himself up to give up a majority but still remain in control of the Sabres while enabling himself to be a majority holder in a consortium that owns the Bills. If anything, this is getting more interesting...
  9. Whatever it is you're smoking, I want some of it.
  10. One of those background shots showed a bunch of fans grilling in the parking lot... CHICKEN, of all things! Isn't it a law in KC that you have to eat beef at a tailgate? :-)
  11. I don't think it's a coincidence that our previously serviceable run game went completely into the crapper when he left the lineup.
  12. If you want to tailgate with other Buffalo fans, the logistics for our tailgate are posted on the front page of our website, bostonbillsbackers.com Go Bills!
  13. And, no infections in his knee! <knocking on wood>
  14. Viva Viagra?
  15. Catched? No, I never thunked that.
  16. When it's thrown right at him, yes. Otherwise, he sucks in coverage. Get well soon, Ko.
  17. Nah, Al Gore takes credit for that one.
  18. This has been the league rule for many years now: when the local team is playing at home, and the game is on local TV there, no other game can be shown against it, even on another network. This was set up to "protect" the home teams' market.
  19. Take your pick, there are plenty of cutups for this song :-)
  20. Booty? Did someone say booty? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2yJ46UkXZ0
  21. Thanks for the good reports -- it has been fun so far, eh? Don't forget that we have a comment page on our website for any questions or concerns. We're trying to arrange to have the downstairs open on days where we anticipate large crowds - for example, days like yesterday (and next Sunday) where the Bills game isn't on local TV. It depends on staffing, so if folks have been tipping their servers we shouldn't have trouble finding the help :-) I hear ya about the big sandwich - they weren't planning on serving it this year but there's been a mixup in the ordering. Hopefully we can set that straight soon. And someone sent me a note about the Shout! song -- whether we can play it largely depends on who is on duty that week. Some of the staff know how to work the sound system better than others. We've got it sorta-figured-out by now, hopefully that will iron itself out too. www.bostonbillsbackers.com
  22. Where else would you expect him to take reps? I believe that he'll be on the bench to start, but likely playing more and more as the game goes on.
  23. I've also heard that he's been spotted at a diner down the street from Gillette stadium, pulling up in his golf cart for the early bird special.
  24. And make sure you get there early this week ;-)
  25. Sorry, but I saw this and just had to barf get it out: http://observertoday.com/page/content.detail/id/509180.html This is bad, and the author makes the mistake more than once: But this one? Ugh. WTF?
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