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Everything posted by JCBoston

  1. Short answer: Erie County != Niagara County
  2. Aaron somebody or other?
  3. Welcome to the Police State, formerly known as the Land of the Free, where you were innocent until proven guilty. Now, the government (in all its forms) makes up the rules as they go along. You should have applied for a "waiver", I hear they give those out like candy on Halloween these days.
  4. It's the Fitz Magic!
  5. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204422404576595233381220172.html Pretty cool analysis. Chan's a genius :-)
  6. 1. I will drink a lot of beer 2. Steve Johnson will drop more passes than last year 3. Michael Jasper will balloon to 800 pounds and his mere presence on the sidelines will distort the time-space continuum to a point where Tom Brady performs like a little girl. Bills win 74-3.
  7. I can't remember The last Bills post-season game Nor can my liver (And for the record, yes, I can actually remember the game but I choose to ignore it).
  8. 85 percent of statistics you read on the internet are made up.
  9. Piss Boy! Oh, Piss Boy!
  10. I don't expect him to make it through the first week of camp.
  11. Be warned: what is watched cannot be unwatched.
  12. He works for the owners. I have no sympathy for either side. If they can't decide how to split up 9 BILLION DOLLARS then f*ck 'em. I'll do something else on Sundays in the fall.
  13. Sent you a PM with contact info.
  14. Looks like he's using a walker, or perhaps a cane?
  15. Another way to look at it is that they're trying to make up for years of bad drafting, by picking up guys they would have drafted if they were here back then.
  16. Keep in mind the labor situation. The FA class this year was much smaller than in years past because teams have been looking ahead to the post-CBA world and locking up talent long-term. And it's rare that rookies come in and contribute to such a degree that they dominate.
  17. Did anyone see George Seifert with him at the airport?
  18. Merriman hasn't been even a shadow of himself since he got off the juice... It's worth a flyer, but this one stinks of Vince Ferragamo.
  19. You're not alone. This board is nothing like what it used to be...
  20. Who knows if this guy will be any good. To me it appears that Buddy is "drafting" these guys -- they're all relatively recent high-to-mid draft picks of other teams. When you know your team has been drafting like crap, what do you do? You find other teams draft picks and see if they work out for you.
  21. It's interesting that two people can look at the same exact set of facts and come to different conclusions. I feel that option 1 is more likely, given Ralph's unshaken loyalty to WNY in the past, and the fact that JK has no reason to lie -- what would that gain him? I agree, though, that something is definitely going on here... and wouldn't doubt for a second that the uncertain tax laws might have something to do about it.
  22. Relax. It's nothing they don't already know.
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