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Everything posted by JCBoston

  1. The dirty little secret, of course, is that the OLine was playing significantly better in the second half of the season. We're Bills fans, and we have that Pavlovian instinct to constantly want to overhaul the line, when in fact, it was pretty darn solid after a few months of JM tutelage. Not that it can't stand a little improvement, but it's not the disaster some make it out to be.
  2. Yes, many of the most prosperous cities in America are taxed highly. But here's the rub: you might be able to be properous and highly taxed, but you can't _become_ prosperous with such a high tax burden. It frightens off investors, which is why government is the largest employer in Erie County. NYS has its head up its a$$, and it starts in Albany. Sick.
  3. According to this article, NYS has the highest state and local tax burden in the entire fricken' country. When combined with federal taxes, only Connecticut ranks higher: A NYS resident hands over 32 percent of his/her income to the bureaucracy. http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/Taxes/...special=0502tax
  4. The area where the Expo was is largely homes right now - north of the Scajaquada, west of Delaware Ave and east of Elmwood. Most of the buildings were made of plaster on temporary frames. The folks that ran the Expo had real-estate deals in place in order to finance it; once the Expo was over, the buildings were torn down and the land was sold off. I read somewhere once that people were finding bits of the plaster in their backyard gardens even into the 80's and 90's.
  5. HE HATE ME! Hey NFL - Bring back the "Face-Off" instead of the coin toss :-)
  6. No, I think you mean General Greivous. Sidious is the Sith lord.
  7. My name is Michael Jackson. I blew off court this morning, and now the Judge is pi$$ed. What should I do?
  8. After you finish off the six (12?) pack in the hot tub, get the Swedish Bikini team to perform a full-body massage. You can't just concentrate on the thighs, right? Seriously, heat is good. The alcohol isn't a big deal except you don't want to feel *totally* like crap tomorrow, do you? You should be fine tomorrow if you do some stretching before heading out again.
  9. Renewed in the Paul Maguire club!
  10. I don't know, braised or grilled pork chops go pretty well with a Sam Adams. I'd probably go for an IPA, something to stand up to the spices. Go with the garlic mashed potatoes and grilled veggies, too, you won't regret it.
  11. I'm waiting for the first poster that will trade his wife, house and season tickets for Angelina Jolie and a van down by the river. Any takers?
  12. In the interest of the TOS, I will resist commenting on the age of this poster, except to say he probably isn't old enough to remember when this album came out Liz Phair rocks. It _is_ one of the best albums of all time. In fact, without this album, the current crop of Avril Levigne, Alanis Morisette, and all those "angry girl rockers" would probably not exist.
  13. While I'm having trouble parsing this sentence I think I get your meaning. All things being equal, it's better to fill in one spot (LT) as opposed to moving pieces around and being forced to fill in multiple spots. But, if you have to do it... LT Teague LG ?? (But easier to find than a LT) C Tucker RG Villarial RT Williams wouldn't be too bad. IIRC, Tucker played pretty well when Teague was out last year. The right side of the line is solid and I wouldn't touch it.
  14. Don't sweat PW. Yeah, he'll be missed, but the dropoff won't be significant enough to doom our defense. I'm more worried about the LT spot.
  15. Fielder is almost the perfect option for us. He's not one to throw away games. He's smart, and he's won more than he's lost. I never understood why the Phins traded for Feeley -- it wasn't much of an upgrade, if any. Yeah, he wore the Teal and Orange. So? At least he's not a felon, like the other Felons. If he can be signed at the right price, I'd say do it.
  16. Watch 'em draft Mike Williams with that pick.
  17. Nedney wouldn't be a bad pickup if we got him at a good price.
  18. This idea was floated in one of the Sportsline articles on the TBD page. I know Teague was the LT in Denver before coming here. Was he any good? Is this viable? I suppose this would depend on the C's that are available. Anyone have any ideas?
  19. Last year, they showed each of the preseason games, though many (if not all, I can't recall) were tape delayed. Suits me fine for preseason, and it might even be better - you can watch the game knowing what to look for.
  20. Kraft is a shrewd businessman. Back when Victor Kiam was moving in to buy the team from the Sullivans (who were in bankruptcy), Kraft bought the old stadium and surrounding land. Cheap. Kiam then went belly up himself, and sold the team to James Orthwein, who was planning on moving the team to his hometown of St. Louis. Kraft put together a deal to buy the team, kicked out some partners after a while, and ended up with the whole ball of string. As posted earlier, he put the screws to Massachusetts to the tune of $170 _million_ in infrastructure, roads, utilities and demolition. He spent $380 milllion of his own money to build the current stadium, on land which used to be the parking lot for the old stadium.
  21. No, he's not. And for day-of-game parking, it's $35 per car.
  22. Ramius - fellow North Country alum here, I went to Potsdam. What I wouldn't do for a Sergi's pizza roll right about now :-} Gotta admit, though I'm a BU fan from my grad school days - Go Terriers! Hockey East championships coming to Boston in a few weeks, its gonna be GREAT.
  23. Bruschi "The Patriots' Pro Bowl linebacker was admitted to the hospital Wednesday after suffering from persistent headaches and partial paralysis. The paralysis is now gone. A Patriots spokesman said Wednesday night that Bruschi was in 'good condition.'"
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