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Everything posted by JCBoston

  1. It probably has something to do with the fact that there is no telephone, cellphone, or electric service in the area. This society is too quick to assign blame, these days. Some things actually _can_ be simply explained, and while I'd agree that things probably should have been done differently, I can't really blame anyone here.
  2. Close. San Diego and Miami had a game in SD moved to AZ because of the fires. It was a regular season game; the folks at AZ basically gave tickets away, making it the only time that year the stadium was close to full
  3. Last year I was waiting to get into the Bills Store before a game and up came Ralph in his custom PT Cruiser. Nice wheels - Bills logo on the side, the whole bit. His wife was driving.
  4. While I'm disappointed that it didn't work out for Drew in Buffalo, I'm not gonna miss debates like this. Even so, bet the under - it's only preseason. Wait until the Dallas opener to see Drew get blitzed up the middle, oh, about 50 times.
  5. From what I read, Comcast might be trying to position OLN as a competitor to ESPN: "Over the past year, the channel has endured a major shift. The network's name is now what was once its acronym. The Outdoor Life Network is no longer and its motto is now, "We've Got A New Attitude." The hunting and fishing the network was founded on a decade ago is now mostly replaced with events ranging from the Tour de France and America's Cup to the All-Star BBQ Showdown. One of OLN's greatest assets is the 10 seasons of "Survivor" re-runs it purchased from CBS for a reported $10 million." Article Ironic that this article is on the ESPN website, huh?
  6. Yeah, it is exciting, especially when Willis gives the stiff-arm
  7. According to this good overview on ESPN, the red line remains, physically. ESPN article
  8. I just grabbed one for our Backers bar :-)
  9. Have you ever been in a men's locker room?
  10. I'm not kidding. Things have gotten slightly better in the stands now that the Krafts have started to pull season tickets for bad behavior (and almost every seat is season's now, with a long waiting list). However, since each reaction has an equal and opposite reaction, that bad behavior has moved to the ramps, stairs, walkways, and parking lots. If you go, watch your back. (BTW - Bob Kraft has a very short memory. He's forgotten that without Ralph Wilson, Lamar Hunt, and their peers in the 70's, there wouldn't be a team in New England for him to own. Win a few Super Bowls and I guess you can start acting like a selfish brat. Go figure.)
  11. I know what you mean about Home Field Advantage, but this isn't it. I've sat in almost every section of those stadiums (old and new) and I got the same treatment. If you're civil (I'll take your word on it), you are definitely in the minority. It's not just the Bills, either. I have a friend whose 8-year old son (at the time) was wearing a Steelers jacket to a game at the old stadium. The 8-year old was urinated on by a "fan" right there in the stands. Classy, huh?
  12. New England has been hell, at least since the end of the Kelly era. Patriots "fans" are rude, arrogant, and disrespectful, almost to a person. The tailgate experience (pre-game) has generally been good, but in more than one occasion I've feared for my personal safety on the way out of the stadium -- while being pefectly quiet and only the hat on my head tipping my allegiance. If you can avoid it, don't go. Don't waste your money. I will not pay a dime to go into that stadium again -- but for some reason, tickets always seem to find me
  13. I've been told that on 7/1 they're going to do a "soft" rollout of a new website with improved management features. Look for an official announcement sometime in July. The entire operation has been overhauled and moved into the marketing group at OBD, with an entirely new cast of characters. Things have been really herky-jerky so far, and communication has not been ideal, but I'm optimistic that the new website will help things out considerably. jc
  14. I've suggested something like that, too. My system typically gets an overhaul when I want to learn something new for my resume :-)
  15. The day I became a Bills fan was the day I was born at Millard Fillmore Hospital. Like I had a choice :-)
  16. The Boston chapter has over 400 members in our list. Adding all of these people to the Bills' list is not a problem technically -- I can write a program to do that -- it's an ethical one. Our members joined our list, under our privacy policy. I'm not about to go stick them all on another list without their permission. Furthermore, it doesn't help _me_ to have the names in the Bills list. I have my own database that's served me well for over 10 years. I take signups from the Bills list and simply bounce them into my own database. It's a one-way street for me. If any other chapters want to peek at my back-end system, I'll gladly show you what I have. I take emails in through Outlook (yikes!) and route them to a mySQL database, or use HTTP to post to the ymlp.com list. I've got a PHP system running on Apache for reporting and management. Geeky, yes, but it's a nice way to teach myself some new technology.
  17. For all your Rochesterians, here are some pretty cool sights from Google Sightseeing: The Hojack swing bridge and the Lake Road pivot bridge. Neat! http://www.googlesightseeing.com/2005/06/1...k-swing-bridge/
  18. Another possibility is New England. They've worn white, Pat Patriot "throwback" uniforms a couple of times recently. It's also a primetime (Sunday night) game, so that might be cool - the old AFL teams in their throwback uniforms.
  19. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?i...TC-DT9705204233
  20. The Bengals have a new stadium, and the Cards are building one.
  21. My 6 and 8-year old children have seen the other movies, and enjoyed them at their level -- they'll watch them again when they're older and will get more out of them, for sure. As for Episode 3, George Lucas himself says that he would not take a young child to see this movie: I think he would know what he's talking about. My kids will wait. http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=4242884
  22. Great article from the Boston Liberal Indoctrination Newsletter, oops, Globe... http://www.boston.com/news/globe/living/ar...ve_got_a_fever/
  23. Like Hall-Of-Famers at virtually every position in the offense? Go figure
  24. Sure beats having NFL Europe-whats-his-name holding a clipboard.
  25. This is not a change to the existing rules. NFL rules require that when a team is on the road, its games are shown on _free_ (i.e., not cable or dish) television in their home market. When the Bills are playing in New England on a Sunday night, for example, that game will be carried by the ABC affiliate in Buffalo as well as on ESPN. And of course, the networks already get to choose what teams they show in prime time. Nothing is changing here, either. I like the Sunday night game on free TV for a few reasons, not the least of which it makes flexible scheduling practical. Now the league won't piss off people by moving their Sunday afternoon game to a Monday night. They simply push it off a few hours. Brilliant, IMO.
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